Airway Heights approves Prothman Company deal

The Airway Heights City Council breezed through a slim agenda at its April 20 meeting.

The council approved an agreement between the city and Prothman Company to help hire an interim public works director to help manage the department until the city fills the position with a permanent replacement. City Manager Albert Tripp said the interim replacement will make $70 per hour.

The council authorized the city to submit a grant application to the Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) for its Transportation Alternatives Program. The grant total is $230,000 and the city will pay 13.5 percent in matching funds.

Tripp said the grant would help pay for filling and installing sidewalks on the north side of Highway 2 and Deer Heights Road. Residents in that area have voiced concerns of the lack of sidewalks along that section of the highway.

“The grant would help install 1,200 feet of sidewalk that will go from Village Centre Cinemas to Washington Trust Bank,” Tripp said.

Mayor Patrick Rushing, who is a member of the SRTC’s Policy Board, said he would help promote the grant.

The council approved a resolution that proclaims Friday April 24 as “Arbor Day” for the city.

Parks, Recreation, Community Services Director J.C. Kennedy explained that the city promotes Arbor Day to fill one of its requirements for its Tree City USA status. Kennedy said the city will replace some of the trees at Aspen Grove Park on April 25 for this year’s Arbor Day. Last year the city planted over 50 trees in the park.

“We lost some of the trees to vandalism and some to storm damage,” Kennedy said. “Last year we planted more than we were required to. Usually when you plant trees, you’d lose about 10 percent after a year and we are well under that.”

Kennedy added that he would reach out to the city’s Youth Advisory Commission to help with the tree planting.

Al Stover can be reached at [email protected].


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