Airway Heights approves request to promote festival, car show

It was business as usual for the Airway Heights City Council as they waltzed through a quick agenda at its April 6 meeting.

In action items, the council approved a funding request from the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee for $13,250 for marketing and promotion of the 2015 Airway Heights Festival and Car Show, which takes place in August. At its March 16 meeting, the council passed a resolution for the Parks and Recreation Department to submit a grant application to the committee.

Councilman Dave Malet and Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director J.C. Kennedy explained that the committee needs the funding in order to put together advertisements for the event.

The council approved an update to the assistant clerk-treasurer's job description. City Manager Albert Tripp explained that the assistant clerk-treasurer would be required to attend and transcribe City Council meetings in the absence of the clerk-treasurer.

"Another change is that the candidate for the job does not have to be experienced in using BIAS software, which is what the city uses for its accounting," Tripp said. "Though experience in the software is preferred."

The council approved the second reading of ordinances that amend the city's municipal code relating to the responsibilities and duties of the Park Advisory Board and Planning Commission.

Tripp explained that both groups will come up with an annual work plan which will include suggestions for projects they would like to see within the city.

"For example, the Park Advisory Board would give recommendations for what they would like to see at the parks for 2016," Tripp said. "This helps with the budget and lays out of a plan for the parks system for next year."

The council approved resolutions that proclaim April 20-24 as "Money Smart Week" and May 16 as "Kids to Parks Day." Kennedy explained that the latter is to encourage families to visit local and national parks, as well as be active outdoors.

"This is the fifth year we've been doing this," Kennedy said.

The Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department received the gold, silver and bronze medals from the National League of Cities for its work within the community. Mayor Patrick Rushing presented Kennedy with the awards.

"We wouldn't have received these without all of the hard work that Mr. Kennedy and the department does," Rushing said.

In other business, Airway Heights Library supervisor Stacy Hartkorn and Spokane County Library District deputy director Doug Stumbough gave a presentation on the various services the library provides to the community.

Al Stover can be reached at [email protected].


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