Cheney High School students Adrianna Suiter, Keenan Loughery, JJ Bobzien, Morgan Thueson, Jamie Bradley, Kaitlyn Nguyen, Sam Abbott and Career and Technical Education (CTE) Sports Medicine instructor Kyle Loughery traveled to Olympia on Feb. 4 to take part in the 2015 CTE Student Leadership Civic Engagement Day at the Washington state capitol building. Cheney students were among over 325 CTE students, teachers and administrators on the Capitol Campus for this event.
The Washington State Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO's), Washington Association of Career and Technical Education, OSPI Career and Technical Education Staff invited Career and Technical Education students and their teachers to attend the second annual CTE Student Leadership Civic Engagement Day at the Capitol. This unique opportunity allowed student leaders from across the state of Washington to learn about state government and showcase CTE Programs while developing their leadership skills.
The day began with a training session in the State Reception Room of the Capitol Building featuring guest speakers such as Superintendent of Public Instruction Randy Dorn and Gov. Jay Inslee, members of the State Legislature, and training for students. The training focused on the legislative process, how to interact with members of the Legislature and issues critical to CTE.
Throughout the day student displays on the third and fourth floor mezzanines of the Capitol Building showcased CTE Programs from around the state as well as the State CTSO's. Student participants were encouraged to schedule appointments and meet with their senators and representatives, with Cheney students meeting with Sixth District representatives Kevin Parker and Jeff Holy to discuss CTE funding and legislative issues.
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