Cheney's Fisher Building a community treasure

Letters to the Editor

I’m responding to the Opinion page of the Dec. 25 paper.

I moved out here to Medical Lake in September 2013, to enjoy living in a small town.

Medical Lake is nicknamed by some as “the Mayberry of Spokane County” and I have found it to be such — warm, friendly, down to earth people — just what I wanted.

The library is fantastic in that it combines the technology of a larger system with a small town coziness, especially the reading area with a fireplace. The staff here are amazingly dedicated to serving this community and reaching out to connect in several creative ways.

I especially wanted to comment on the Fisher Building (former Cheney High School). I have visited the building a few times before it was recently totally closed and it was literally like getting into a time machine and going about 60 years into the past. The building brings back a flood of memories of much simpler days.

I could just see people sitting in the gym area enjoying a wholesome basketball game and feeling a truly community spirit.

I grew up in Wisconsin and attended a building much like that in my 9th grade. That building has since been converted into a fantastic museum, which still functions very well.

I’m not a person of wealth but I can only hope that the wondrous Fisher building which represents Americana to the fullest will somehow be preserved and used for some public purpose.

Every time that I walk by it I get this uncanny feeling of nostalgia and feeling of it being such an important part of the history that I cherish so much.

I also want to say that Cheney is privileged to have one of the most fantastic museums of any in the country. The timeline alone is worth its weight in gold.

Thomas E Durst

Medical Lake


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