Cheney should invest in a park and ride

Letters to the Editor

I have read several letters to the editor complaining about bad driving and parking in Cheney since the school year has began. The authors place the blame for congestion, increased accidents and lack of parking for students attending Eastern Washington University. Yes, the start of the school year has brought in students, many who drive to and from campus on a daily basis.

However, contrary to these claims, the illuminated sign posted as you leave Cheney states that there have been zero major traffic accidents in over a year. Also, the Washington state Department of Transportation reports a steady decrease in the past 10 years on the roads to and from Cheney.

I am not arguing that the traffic and the parking are not a problem. However, is it really the students who are the problem or has the city failed to accommodate the needs of the growing university it is home to?

I am a student and have experienced many of the same frustrations as Cheney locals have, but I believe the source of the problem is the lack of resources and options for drivers who attend the university.

When it comes to transportation to and from school, the options are limited. Some students are close enough to walk. Others fight the crowds to find a parking space at the Jefferson Park and Ride so they can ride the bus to campus. Many drive their own vehicle and again fight the crowds for a parking space at the university or in surrounding neighborhoods.

I believe that if the city of Cheney invested in a park and ride lot where students and local commuters alike could park their cars and take the bus to their destination then all of the problems mentioned above would decrease.

This may cost taxpayers a little extra but the benefit to locals and students would supersede the initial cost, leaving students and locals to live, or at least commute, in harmony.

Annie K Miraglia



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