Caring for our community - including our four legged friends

Guest Commentary



Every day when I come home from work my dog Zoey meets me at the door.

I adopted her from SCRAPS last year, when she was only 5 weeks old. Her mother was killed and she was abandoned along with her littermates. A Good Samaritan brought these helpless puppies to SCRAPS. Zoey needed someone to care about her and it was easy to do. In return, she is always happy to see me and gives me her unconditional love.

As a community we have the opportunity to show that we care everyday on some level whether it about the animals, the environment or other social issues. Spokane County Regional Animal Protection Service (SCRAPS) is leading the charge to protect the animals in our community. SCRAPS depends on you to care enough to help them by reporting animal cruelty, helping an injured animal or to simply take a lost pet in until the owner can be found.

SCRAPS provides a safe haven for the community’s homeless, stray and lost animals. These are animals that need special care, and helping with that are SCRAPS volunteers and donors.

Every day, people like you care enough to volunteer their time to enrich the lives of shelter animals. They come to SCRAPS to walk a dog, socialize a cat and to educate potential adopters. They go out into the community helping with outreach events all while providing humane education.

These volunteers are showing that they care in a valuable and tangible way. They are saving lives, building relationships and promoting responsible pet ownership.

SCRAPS donors also care. They care enough to donate to SCRAPS Animal Medical Fund so that our homeless animals can have the help that they deserve. These donations are essential in providing treatment for victims of animal cruelty and abuse.

Donations also help support SCRAPS adoption and transport programs assuring that these animals will have a second chance in life.

Pet owners make decisions everyday regarding their animals — whether they take the dog for a walk, groom the cat or simply show their animal some love.

Part of caring is providing that pet with appropriate medical care including vaccinations and sterilization.

Pets should also be licensed and micro chipped. “License Your Pet – Prove That You Care” is our motto as a licensed pet can easily be return to the owner if it is lost. The license is your pet’s phone call home and shows that you care.

We all have choices that we must make in life. The most basic choice is that of caring.

My parents raised me to treat others the way I would want to be treated. To speak for those who can’t speak for themselves — the children and the animals. To care about our community, our environment and the future of our children and their children. It is essential as a community and as a nation that we look to the future and that we care. We have to care because if we don’t —then who will?

Today you can make a difference in the life of someone or something. You can care and show kindness to a friend, a stranger or a homeless animal.

Caring can be a simple act like mowing the neighbor’s lawn. It can also be more significant by committing to volunteer at an organization whether it is SCRAPS or another non-profit in the community. You can donate to a cause that you care deeply about — helping to make a difference.

The important thing is that you care — because together I know we can make a difference.

Nancy Hill is the Regional Director of Spokane County Regional Animal Protection Service (SCRAPS) a progressive municipal animal protection agency serving as the regional provider for Spokane County and its municipalities. She serves as the president of the SCRAPS Hope Foundation and has dedicated her career to helping the community’s homeless animals. SCRAPS is a proud member of Partners Advancing Character Education (PACE).


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