DOE approves county amendment to Shoreline Master Program 

SPOKANE COUNTY – The Washington State Department of Ecology announced on Oct. 21 that it has approved an amendment to the Spokane County Shoreline Master Program (SMP) regarding residential onsite wastewater treatment systems in the county’s shorelines. The amendment becomes effective on October 24, 2014, and with final approval by the Department of Ecology, Spokane County’s updated Shoreline Master Program is in full compliance with Washington State’s Growth Management Act.

“The new regulations address the impacts of phosphorous discharge from onsite treatment systems in shoreline areas and provide property owners a variety of options to traditional onsite wastewater treatment systems,” Spokane County Planning Director John Pederson said in an news release.

He added, “This is good news for the county’s ongoing efforts to protect our waterways by working collaboratively with property owners.”

The Shoreline Master Program was updated in January 2013, and subsequently appealed to the Growth Management Hearings Board. In response to the appeal, Spokane County developed new regulations that provide specific design, operation, and performance and maintenance standards for residential onsite wastewater treatment systems (OWTS). 

The new OWTS regulations will assure no net loss of ecological functions and prevent impacts to water quality, specifically those impacts related to phosphorous. 


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