Democrats take desperate measures

Letters to the Editor

The Democrats are really desperate if they had to get Heather Foley to do a TV ad for Joe Patookas.

Get real people! Heather Foley never could find the time to come to Spokane for the Lilac Parade let alone care about what was happening in Tom Foley’s Congressional District. My husband and I worked the VIP stand for the Lilac Festival for over ten years and we only saw Foley once or twice in the entire time. Tom Foley cared so little for Spokane that his residence was a miniscule apartment which he seldom visited.

Heather is the reason Tom Foley lost his house seat. She refused to live in Eastern Washington and now she is trying to tell us who should represent Eastern Washington

The D’s are really desperate to defeat Cathy. Cathy and her family have lived in Eastern Washington for over 100 years. Cathy and Brian own and pay taxes on a home on the South Hill. Cathy and her family love the Spokane area and will fight to keep it a place she wants her children to grow up and the schools the best in the State for all the children in Eastern Washington.

Since Patookas is the CEO of the Spokane Indian Tribe business organization, he must have been the one who built the tribe’s service station outside of Airway Heights. The same station that has driven service stations out of business because of their predatory pricing and another depending on the lottery business to stay open. Remember the tribe doesn’t pay the same federal, state, city or county taxes the other stations had to pay.

Margaret Jones

Medical Lake


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