Airway Heights residents driving along Highway 2 might notice a new addition.
The city of Airway Heights is almost finished with the shared use path on Highway 2, from Garfield Road to east of Hayford Road.
Public Works director Kelly Williquette said the shared use path was paid for with Transportation Improvement Benefit funds.
Williquette said the deadline for the project’s completion is mid-September. He added that the shared use path would be a part of a regional project of a shared use path for bicycles.
The Hayford Overlay Project is another one in the works. Williquette said the city would be repairing, crack sealing and grinding on Hayford Road from 21st Avenue to McFarlane Road.
Shamrock Paving Company was awarded the bid for the project at the Sept. 2 Airway Heights City Council meeting. The overlay project will also be paid with TIB grant money. Williquette said it would be a 2-3 week project.
“It’s great that it’s happening,” Williquette said. “That road is kind of falling apart.”
One road project that may be in the future is the race channelization on Hayford Road and Highway 2. Williquette already submitted the application for a grant. He said the city would know if they receive the money sometime around Thanksgiving. The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is collaborating with Airway Heights to pay for 10 percent of matching funds.
Williquette said the race channelization would help prevent accidents on Hayford Road, especially near Walmart.
“We’ll be cutting off one left turn access and taking away one entrance,” Williquette said. ”Make one place for a left turn and spread it out.”
The city also plans to add landscaping features to calm traffic. The city of Spokane recently added a light at Flint Road and reduced the speed limit along Highway 2 for safety reasons.
Al Stover can be reached at [email protected].
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