Seaport Steel proposes expanding facility

Seaport Steel had intended to present their plans for expanding their existing facility, located on 2634 S. Hayden Road, with an approximately 60,000 square foot facility at the Aug. 13 Airway Heights Planning Commission meeting.

A public hearing for the expansion was scheduled for the meeting, however the meeting was canceled due to lack of a quorum and the public hearing will be scheduled for a later date.

The proposed expansion also includes the installation of a new 1,900 linear foot rail spur to serve the facility.

Seaport Steel is the largest family owned full-service warehouse in the Northwest area. The company has branches serving Spokane, Idaho and Montana. The company has been serving the fabrication, shoring, manufacturing and shipyard industries for 27 years.

Airway Heights Development Services director, Derrick Braaten, accepted a State Environmental Protection Act (SEPA) review for the proposed expansion back in July.

According to information in the review, the affected properties are located east of the existing facility, across Hayden Street, where the new facility will be located and the rail transitioning across the parcels. The property is designated heavy industrial (I-2) and the expansion is consistent with the property’s underlying zoning. The site for the new facility is currently vacant as is the properties the rail spur will cross.

Braaten said the facility would benefit the citizens of Airway Heights by increasing employment and expanding the city’s tax base.

“This will be great for the city,” Braaten said.

The city recently submitted an application for the Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB) application for funding to reconstruct a portion of Hayden Road on McFarlane and the construction of a rail siding on the Geiger Spur.

Al Stover can be reached at [email protected].


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