The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service has announced it will open Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge to a limited entry youth waterfowl hunt in fall 2014.
The two-day youth hunt will run concurrently with the Washington state youth waterfowl season that falls on the weekend of Sept. 20-21 this year.
Hunters will be restricted to eight fixed hunting sites depending on fall water levels. Two youths, under the age of 16, and the accompanying non-hunting adult(s) at least 18 years of age will be allowed at each site. Youth hunters will be selected by a random drawing.
Applications are accepted at the Refuge or by mail through Aug. 15.
Any person whose name appears on more than one application will be excluded from the drawing.
Applications should be submitted on standard U.S. Postal Service postcards and include the youth’s full name, address, and telephone number.
Youths may apply with a youth friend or youth sibling on the same application. Mail postcards to Refuge Manager, Turnbull NWR, 26010 South Smith Road, Cheney, WA, 99004.
Drawing results will be posted on the refuge website and letters of confirmation and a youth waterfowl hunt brochure will be mailed by the end of August. A workshop will be held in partnership with the Spokane Chapter of the Washington Waterfowl Association to select hunting sites and provide waterfowl identification and hunting tips on the Saturday prior to the hunt, Sept. 13.
All hunters must have in their possession a valid state hunting license and any required stamps and permits. Those under 16 need a state hunting license and migratory bird validation but not a federal migratory waterfowl stamp.
For more specific information about the youth waterfowl hunt program, call the refuge at (509) 235-4723 or visit the refuge’s “Visitor Activity” page at
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