Airway Heights to enter contract negotiations with Sunshine

The city of Airway Heights is a step closer into entering a new partnership for solid waste management.

Back in March, the city signed an umbrella request for proposal (RFP) with the, municipalities of Millwood, Liberty Lake and Deer Park for solid waste services. One vendor responded with a bid: Sunshine Disposal and Recycling.

The RFP required vendors to provide pricing and services for the transportation and disposal of solid waste, a recycling program, a household hazardous waste program, and the development of a solid waste comprehensive plan pursuant to the requirements outlined within the Revised Code of Washington. Vendors were also required to provide pricing of the services on an a la carte basis without a contingency of flow control occurring amongst the various cities.

Airway Heights was one of several cities that decided not to renew the agreement with Spokane County for waste management. One reason was due to the county’s lack of specific figures for gate fees at the transfer stations. The county doesn’t expect to have specific gate fee numbers until July.

As cities were waiting for responses for the RFP, Spokane County sent out letters to cities, stating they needed to sign their interlocal agreement if they wanted to be a part of the regional waste management system, which the county takes over in November.

City Manager Albert Tripp presented both Sunshine’s proposal and the county’s agreement at a previous study session. The City Council decided to move forward with Sunshine.

“Sunshine provides us with a known (figure),” Airway Heights Mayor Patrick Rushing said. “This became a no-brainer, especially if everyone leaves the county. Those gate fees are going to go higher and higher.”

The City Council has authorized Tripp to accept Sunshine’s proposal, engage in contract negotiations, and return with a contract proposal for council consideration.

Rushing said the city would enter negotiations with Sunshine in hopes of making it more convenient for the city’s residents.

Rushing said collaborating with Sunshine could lead to several opportunities, including the city putting a transfer station on the rail line or a recycling center.

Al Stover can be reached at [email protected].


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