ML School District passes student responsibilities and rights policy

The Medical Lake School District board directors approved the first and second readings of the student’s responsibility and rights policy at the May 29 school board meeting.

The policy outlined different rules that students must follow while on school property. It also states that school faculty will assist in “maintaining student behavior that will promote a positive learing environment.”

Medical Lake Middle School principal Sylvia Campbell said both staff and parents in the community examined this year’s policy prior to it going before the school board.

One change to the policy related to Article 27 — malicious harassment vs. unintentional harassment.

Under the policy, malicious harassment relates to when a student harasses someone else because of their race, sexual orientation, ancestory, national origin, or mental or physical sensory handicap.

Board member Felecia Jensen asked about the district’s dress code and Campbell explained that each school has different standards that are determined by the administration.

Besides having their own dress code, each building has their own handbook. Campbell said middle school students receive handbooks and are informed about the standard behaviors in their first class. She added that counselor Ted Koch goes over the handbook with students who enroll later in the year.

Medical Lake High School principal John McSmith said he and vice principal Chris Spring explain the rules to the students.

The policy also outlined discipline measures for students who break the rules, which range from detention for issues such as violating the dress code to emergency expulsion for someone bringing a firearm to campus.

District Superintendent Dr. Pam Veltri said that discipline measures would be determined by how much trouble one student has gotten into over the school year.

“If you have two students involved with an issue, you could have one get a suspension because of how many times they had been in trouble during the year,” Veltri said.

Veltri added that every students will get a “clean slate” at the beginning of the school year.

Jensen asked if the policy had any “new language” in regards to marijuana.

Veltri said marijuana still falls under controlled substances as it always has.

She added that schools would discipline students if it is obvious they are under the influence or marijuana or if they have possession of it.

Under the policy, a student caught possessing a controlled substance will receive emergency expulsion and drug monitoring at the parents’ expense. Students also may be subjected to drug counseling at the parents’ expense.

Al Stover can be reached at [email protected].


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