County Commissioners squander tax payer's money

I would like to write about how the County Commissioners have been squandering our taxpayer’s money.  Let’s take a look at what they have been up to over the last few years.

1. $245 million dollars for a new jail, if it passes.

2. $7.5 million dollars on Spokane Raceway Park, that hasn’t made a dime since they bought it, and could cost hundreds of thousands more in environmental cleanup.

3. $2.5 million dollars to buy the old Solar World apartment complex in Airway Heights to save Fairchild.

4. $18 million dollars on failed Proposition. 1 to relocate old trailer parks in Airway Heights to save Fairchild.  (Thankfully this didn’t pass)

5. $5,000 to buy souvenir coins to hand out to VIP’s or campaign donor’s

6. $300,000 and more to hire an outside law firm to write a letter to fight the STEP project.

7. $9 million dollars to buy the two garbage transfer stations from the city of Spokane.  I thought we paid for those already?

The list goes on and on.  We as taxpayers need to hold the county commissioners responsible and accountable for these actions. Just think of what they could do with that money fixing roads, maintaining Fish Lake Park, building a southwest county swimming pool? I would suggest you call or email the commissioners with your comments, but you never hear anything back from them. Remember they work for us — demand answers.

Gerald Goertz

Medical Lake


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