ML to look at garbage options

City meeting with Sunshine Disposal and Recycling

The Medical Lake City Council discussed several matters at the Feb. 25 meeting.

City Administrator Doug Ross said he has been meeting with Sunshine Disposal and Recycling to discuss the pick-up and hauling of solid waste to a transfer station and the potential plans for when the interlocal agreement expires in November.

“We’re discussing strategies and what are the best interests for our citizens,” Ross said.

Ross also announced the city handled the snow fall well. He said the only complaint received came in the form of a voicemail.

Ross said that Sheriff’s Community Oriented Policing Effort (SCOPE) has vacated the old funeral home at 111 W. Brooks Road. He said that SCOPE will be located in the Medical Lake Police Department next to City Hall.

Ross estimated the wastewater treatment plant has taken in around 1.5 million gallons of water, which is an increase of the normal flow, though he has not spoken to the plant manager to confirm.

The council only approved of one item at the Feb. 25 meeting — a retail permit for TNT Fireworks to operate a fireworks stand in the old Denny’s Food parking lot.

Medical Lake Fire Chief Jason Mayfield said this is the earliest he has received an application.

Mayfield said TNT does a great job distributing the city’s fireworks literature stressing fireworks safety.

Ross said Municipal Court Administrator Jessica Roberts told him it is time to put together a jury pool. The court puts jury pools together every 14 months in case of a trial.

Ross said questionnaires have been handed out and will not be due until April 1. When the city has a jury trial, jurors will be selected from the pool.

Councilman Art Kulibert said the Medical Lake Fire Department would be allowed to use two Solar World apartment units in Airway Heights as practice burns for fire training purposes this summer.

During citizen comments Bob Kibling said he was upset at the council for voting against the proposed deer ordinance. He felt they did not talk to the public enough about the issue before voting on it and when they did vote on it, only five members of the City Council were present.

Kipling said the public would like to see something done about the deer problem.

Al Stover can be reached at [email protected].


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