ML School District offers ebooks on Overdrive

Medical Lake students and staff have a new way to access books and reading materials as the school libraries are now offering ebooks and audiobooks through their Overdrive system at no charge.

Students and staff can log into the system using their school ID and download materials to their smart phone, tablet computer, ereader or their computer. At the end of the lending period, titles will expire on the device and automatically return to the system.

According to Medical Lake Middle School library tech Mary Kay Rowles, books are selected by local media specialists based on students’ interests.

Rowles said the library is averaging 60 checkouts per month since the service began. She was surprised at the number of second- and third-graders who were checking out materials on a regular basis.

“My theory is that their parents have provided tablets for them and help them download books,” Rowles said. “It makes sense that they will probably be the generation that uses digital media for reading and listening on a consistent manner.”

To access the Medical Lake School District Overdrive, visit

Al Stover can be reached at [email protected].


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