'Perfect Wedding' wraps up production

Letters to the Editor

Another successful StageWest Community Theatre production has come to a close. We had some good crowds for our production of “Perfect Wedding” by Robin Hawdon. There was a lot of laughter coming from the audiences. 

We would like to thank the congregation of Emmanuel Lutheran Church for the use of their building for all of our auditions, rehearsals and performances. We would also like to thank the people that came from all around the area to watch our production. We had people from Deer Park, Coeur d’Alene and several Red Hat Ladies come to our performances as well as several long time patrons. Without the support of the community StageWest would not be here.

We would also like to thank the family members of some of our members who came to help break down and set up sets and get and take supplies to the storage units, you know who you are and we couldn’t operate without you. The winners of our basket raffles are: Basket 1 — Date Night at the Theater was Kelsey Baycroft. Basket 2 — Night at the Movies was also Baycroft. Basket 3 — Bride and/or Groom Spa Basket was Tracey Rice and Basket 4 — Gifts from the Mason Jar was Rich Baker. Don’t forget we are holding open auditions for our next production “Honestly, Now” by Jack Sharkey and directed by Phil West this Friday night at 7 p.m., and Saturday at 1 p.m., at Emmanuel Lutheran Church located at 639 Elm St. in Cheney. Phil promises that it will be a lot of fun. 

“Honestly, Now” will be performed the last weekend of April and the first two weekends of May with our dinner theater being held on Saturday, May 3. For more information about “Honestly, Now” contact Phil at 509-342-5525. StageWest is still looking for a home of our own and we can always use people that are interested in joining our group. For more information contact Richard at 509-768-2150.

Nancy Kuonen

Director Advertising and Publicity

StageWest Community Theatre Inc.


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