School board approves policies for new year

The Medical Lake School District Board of Trustees passed several items at the Jan. 28 school board meeting.

The board first approved the first reading of Policy 3247 and Procedure 3247P, which concerns the isolation and restraint of students who are under an Individualized Education Program (IEP), an Aversive Intervention Plan or a plan developed under Section 504.

According to the policy, isolation and restraint of these students will generally be avoided and not used as a form of discipline or punishment. The district recognizes that isolation and restraint are necessary at times to preserve the safety of students and school staff.

The district will also provide parents or guardians of students with an IEP or Section 504 plan a copy of the district’s Isolation and Restraint policy when IEP or Section 504 plan is created and will include parent/guardian notification procedures in the student’s IEP.

The board also passed Policy 3246 and Procedure 3246P, which explains when staff can use reasonable force to restrain a student.

According to the wording of the policy, district staff may use reasonable force, isolation or restraint to maintain order or to prevent a student from harming him/herself, other students, staff or school property.

The policy also states that “physical force is reasonable when needed to prevent or minimize immiment bodily injury or substantial or great bodily harm to self or others.” If de-escalation interventions have failed or are inappropriate, then reasonable physical force may be used to protect school property.

Under the policy, administrators will provide staff with proper physical force intervention procedures.

Staff will also be trained in positive management of student behavior, cultural sensitivity, effective communication for defusing and de-escalating dangerous behavior.

The policy states that it is intended to address students enrolled in the district and not intended to prevent or limit the use of reasonable force or retraint as necessary with other adults or youth from outside the school as allowed by law.

Superintendent Dr. Pam Veltri said that Medical Lake School District passed the policy because other districts have implemented similar procedures. Veltri added that the staff members are trained for emergencies where they may have to retrain a student to prevent them from harming themselves or others.

The board approved the first and second reading of Procedure 3240P in regards to student conduct expectations and sanctions for violations.

The procedure listed several steps and consequences for different violations from arson to defiance of school authority.

The board also approved an inter-district cooperative agreement with Spokane School District 81 for the operation of the Newtech Skills Center in Spokane.

Medical Lake and Spokane will be a part of a consortium with nine other Washington state school districts.

The board also approved the proclamation, signed by Gov. Jay Inslee, to name January as School Board Recognition Month. Veltri thanked the school board for their hard work.

The board approved a bid from Arvid Johnson for a 1986 F-250 truck for $1,100.

The board also approved the surplus of the following items: Three HP Scanjet scanners, two Powermatch lathes, a Rockwell table saw, a Peck Stow and Wilcox Co. metal shear, a GBC Comb Binder, a GBC Heat Roll Laminator and a Heat Roll Laminator.

During her “Superintendent’s Report,” Veltri mentioned the launch with the Partners Advocating Character Education (PACE) program with the West Plains Chamber of Commerce. Veltri said that 18 organizations signed up to be sponsors on the program.

The next school board meeting will be held Feb. 25 at 6 p.m. at the administration building.

Al Stover can be reached at [email protected].


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