Public needs to be aware about Jan. 14 hearing

The public needs to be aware of a Public Hearing Notice that was in the Dec. 26 edition of the Cheney Free Press, in the legal section, page 7, section 2, regarding Cheney Hydroponics wanting to build a structure for the production and processing of recreational marijuana.

The public is invited to attend this hearing, to call or to write to our city officials.

This hearing will take place Tuesday, Jan. 14, at 2 p.m., at Cheney City Hall in the City Council Chambers at 609 Second St, Cheney, Wash.

Cheney Hydroponics is interested in purchasing parcels 13232.0203,13232.0204, and 13232.0205, located at the Cheney Industrial and Commerce Park.

This area at the present is classified as public property. The federal government, which deems marijuana as illegal, does not allow marijuana to be produced, processed nor sold on public property.

By selling the parcels the land becomes privately owned and is no longer classified as public property.

Even though the federal government said they would not challenge states who legalized recreational marijuana, as long as those states maintain strict regulations regarding the distribution of marijuana.

The federal government’s specific laws would focus on: (to name a few)

1. Stopping the growing of marijuana on public land

2. Preventing distribution of marijuana to minors

3. Keeping pot from falling in the hands of cartels and gangs

4. Preventing diversion of marijuana to states where it is illegal.

(This information was taken from 2013-08/29.)

I oppose our City of Cheney selling these parcels of land for the purpose of producing recreational marijuana.

We need to hold our community to a high standard for the sake of our children, university students and citizens in our area. This does not just affect our city, it affects the entire Spokane County.

Marijuana is a mind-altering drug. The slang for drug is dope. (Dope makes people dopey!) The definition of dopey is dull, confused, sluggish (lethargic, lazy or indifferent), stupid.

Hold the City of Cheney to a higher standard. Is revenue/money worth the price for tragedy in our society?

Judy Bridges



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