Gear up for the Tyler Grange Hall dinner and auction

Did you say you don't know the person sitting next to you? That doesn't happen at the Tyler Grange Hall. As somebody said to me recently, "We're all family."

Walk into the Grange Hall and observe. It's the night of the Nov. 2 Harvest Dinner. Some folks are working side by side in the kitchen, stirring the gravy, mashing the potatoes, peeking into the oven to see how the turkey's doing.

Others are arranging tables, setting chairs, receiving the baked goods scheduled for auction that people carry as they come through the door. Now look at the tabletops. You'll see the clever pumpkins Alice Polack has made that dress the tables for the festivities.

The free dinner begins at 6 p.m. Maybe your neighbor has brought a salad to share or you brought your famous pickles and the person who came in the door ahead of you carries a piping hot casserole. And that turkey in the kitchen has just turned a golden brown. Makes you hungry just thinking about it.

The famous Tyler Grange baked goods auction follows the dinner. Here's where your pumpkin pie might sell for $20 and your neighbor's three layer cake goes to the highest bidder for $30. Proceeds sometimes are used to help a worthy cause. Occasionally the Grange building itself may need new windows or heaters to keep you cozy while you're enjoying the evening. The auction is peppered with goodhearted rivalry and laughter. The more there is to auction, the more fun it is!

Don't forget the door prizes our generous Cheney merchants contribute every year. There will be fun prizes for children and useful prizes for adults. Remember to hold on to your ticket and thank the merchant who donated your prize.

As the Grangers say, "Grab the kids and join your friends and neighbors for a fun-filled evening Nov. 2 at 6 p.m."

Luella Dow is a Cheney-area author. She can be reached at [email protected].


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