Chibu Estate Exchange opens

Business has been good in the opening weeks for Chibu Estate Exchange in Airway Heights.

Opening the store wasn’t an easy decision, but it proved to be the right move for the Okemgbo family, who have lived in the U.S. for the past eight years. Last August, they moved to Airway Heights due to a job relocation, but they couldn’t be happier.

After moving to the city, Marcelina Okemgbo was searching for a way to help support her family while still being near her children during the day. She and her husband are parents to five children, the oldest of whom is eight years old.

Okemgbo had previously worked in a secondhand store and saw what worked well there, bringing it to Airway Heights.

Inside the store is a wide array of items, ranging from electronics to furniture, clothing to toys. While the selection inside the store is already plentiful, Okemgbo said many items are in storage, waiting to arrive at the store once some space is available.

The name for the store comes from Marcelina’s middle name, which in its full spelling means “God is well.”

Even the customers have given input on some new items that could work well in the store.

“The people who come here, they give us different ideas,” she said. “Our customers have been wonderful.”

Okemgbo truly enjoys interacting with customers, getting to know each one who walks through the door.

“We’ll talk and laugh,” she said. “I see this as an opportunity to encourage people.”

“Family is my number one job,” Okemgbo said. “Anything else is secondary.”

While her husband works a night shift, she’s able to keep the children close during the daytime. Okemgbo said her husband has been an invaluable help throughout the entire process of opening the business, working to develop the store’s Website and other aspects of the store.

Ultimately, the Okemgbo family is happy to be in Airway Heights, which they say has welcomed them from day one.

“Airway Heights is friendly,” she said. “We see a higher quality of life here.”

Chibu Estate Exchange is located at 13106 W. Sunset Highway in Airway Heights, and is open Monday through Saturday. More information is available on their website,

James Eik can be reached at


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