Airway Heights planning meeting canceled

The Airway Heights Planning Commission canceled its June meeting due to a lack of quorum.

Development Services director Derrick Braaten said the commission’s vice chair, Laura Brown, resigned prior to the meeting and two of the now four-person body were unable to attend the meeting.

Comments from Spokane International Airport including the airport’s master plan still had not arrived prior to the start of the meeting, according to Braaten. The master plan could potentially impact Airway Heights’ C-2 general commercial and mixed-use overlay proposals. Public hearings regarding those two proposals that carried over from May’s Planning Commission meeting ended at Monday’s meeting.

The next Planning Commission meeting will be held Monday, July 8 at 6 p.m. in the council chambers, unless a special meeting is called to fill the void of this month’s meeting.

James Eik can be reached at [email protected].


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