Annual Turnbull Wildlife Refuge work party May 11

Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge and Spokane Audubon Society will host a community work party on Saturday, May 11. The work party is part of an ongoing community effort to restore native riparian habitat to benefit birds and other wildlife species.

Turnbull staff have hundreds of native saplings to plant, and fencing to build at the project site to protect the trees from deer, elk and moose browsing. Everyone is welcome whether as an individual or in groups.

If attending as a group, please call in advance to register as it helps Turnbull staff with their planning. The refuge will also host a potluck lunch, hamburgers provided by the Friends of Turnbull, with work party attendees invited to bring a dish.

Volunteers at the work party are encouraged to wear long-sleeved shirt, work pants, sturdy boots or shoes and gloves. If possible, shovels and pliers should be brought.

The work party takes place at Turnbull headquarters. Travel five miles south of Cheney on Cheney-Plaza Road: turn left on Smith Road and drive two miles on gravel road to headquarters.


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