Letters to the Editor

Lending support for Larry Keller's 6th District campaign

I attended Larry Keller's campaign kick-off in Cheney last week, and for the first time in a very long time I am excited about supporting a candidate.

Over the years I have become so disenchanted with our political system, including the incivility and the insincere “I'll-give-you-everything-you-want” promises that now characterize our election campaigns. It is so refreshing to have somebody like Larry Keller, who is a gentleman and a leader who knows how to get things done.

I don't want a “politician” anymore; I want a leader. I'm pretty confident nobody can match Larry's diverse and extensive leadership experience. He is a retired USAF colonel who led Fairchild as the wing's vice commander. After retirement, he became a schoolteacher and advanced to his current position as Superintendent of the Cheney school district. He fully understands all of the key West Plains and Spokane issues that are regularly in the headlines.

Larry has proven time and time again – in the face of difficult national security challenges as well as complex education issues – that he is the right leader for the job. I encourage you to check out Larry Keller's track record and join me in electing him as State Representative.

Dan Simmons

Medical Lake

Instead of ‘us and them' in political talk, focus on the ‘we'

Is anyone else getting really tired of the “us and them” in politics these days? Whatever happened to “we”? I can barely stomach turning on the television anymore and hearing all the negatives about both parties. I'm ready to dump both of them and find a leader that is ready to work toward uniting us as a country rather than dividing us. We are the United States after all.

I know that money, greed and power drive most of the political field. I want to vote out everyone, go back to bare bones and start over. I want a place that takes care of the poor and disabled, not the lazy, but supports business and free enterprise at the same time. We need both. Why can't the two parties see this? It's like watching two little kids on the playground arguing about the best way to get to the top of the jungle gym. They recruit their friends to be on their side and then they fight about who's right and nobody gets to the top of the jungle gym. They get caught up into who's right and who's wrong and neither accomplishes much of anything.

How about we listen to each other and figure out how we can all climb on the jungle gym? Maybe lend a hand to someone having difficulty climbing. When we work together, everyone at least has a chance. And we accomplish so much more when we work toward a common goal.

We need to stop this insanity or our country is going to stop functioning and then where will we be? Probably fighting about whose fault it was.

Patti Sooy


In the growing political season, it's time to tell the truth

My husband and I were approached by signature gatherers for Referendum 74 (for traditional marriage and against marriage equality) in front of Safeway in Cheney on Saturday, May 12, 2012. The gentleman said that the law, if it goes into effect, will outlaw using the terms “husband” and “wife” in our public elementary schools.

I believe if you are for traditional marriage and against gay marriage, and quote the Bible, you should have enough integrity to tell the truth.

Nancy Street


Thanks for good Memorial Day service in Medical Lake

The Annual Memorial Day Service was held on Monday, May 28 at the Medical Lake Cemetery with over 90 in attendance. This was a very special time to reflect and remember each of the 61 veterans from the Indian Wars, Civil War, WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Persian Gulf to the present time as well as other family and loved ones interred in our cemetery.

We appreciate the following individuals and groups who provided a meaningful contribution to our program: Mr. Terry Carver, Commander, Medical Lake American Legion; CMSGT Al McGowan, Aerospace Science Instructor and the Medical Lake High School Junior ROTC Color Guard Cadets; Naomi Guidry, Jordon Miller, Evan VanMeter, Matthew Standish and Buglar, Tim Tanner; and CWO Marine Chaplain, Grant Maassen.

Thank you to everyone who attended the service.

Lahnie Henderson

Medical Lake


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