Fire District 3 firefighter arrested for theft


Staff Reporter

A resident firefighter at Spokane County Fire District 3 was arrested Monday on five felony counts of second-degree theft.

Jennifer S. Na, 21, was arrested after admitting to stealing a wallet and digital camera from the fire district headquarters on Presley Drive in Cheney in April.

Cheney Police Sgt. Kelly Hembach said Na was brought in to the police department to be questioned Monday afternoon after fire district employees found evidence that linked her to the stolen camera. She confessed to the two thefts and was taken to Spokane County Jail.

There was an act of malicious mischief as well as a handful of other thefts, including one from Na's vehicle, at the fire district in the past 10 months. Hembach said the investigation into this case was ongoing.

Spokane County Fire District 3 provides medical and fire suppression services to southwest Spokane County and has around 120 volunteer staff members. Details on Na's time at the fire district were not immediately available.

Becky Thomas can be reached at [email protected].


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