Girl Scout Cookies on sale today in Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho

It's Girl Scout cookie time, and Scouts throughout Eastern Washington and North Idaho begin taking orders for Girl Scout cookies Feb. 10. 

Local Girl Scouts will be offering Thin Mints, Samoas, Do-si-dos, Tagalongs, Trefoils, Savannah Smiles, Dulce de Leche and Thank U BerryMunch cookies. Samoas and Thin Mints continue to be the most popular cookies, but each cookie has a loyal following. All eight varieties of Girl Scout cookies are still just $4 per box.  

The annual Cookie Program is the largest girl-led business in the country and generates $760 million for girls, their Girl Scout councils and communities. Girls set cookie goals to support their chosen activities for the year, to fund community service and leadership projects, attend summer camp, buy items in the Girl Scout store, travel to destinations near and far and provide events for girls in their community. 

Visit the Girl Scouts Eastern Washington and North Idaho Facebook page for recipes, cookie facts and trivia. Follow along on Twitter for interesting regional and national cookie news. 

Cookie preorders will be delivered after March 23. Cookie sales outside of local businesses and stores will be available March 23 through April 15. Find the nearest cookies with the Cookie Locator application found at 

This is the centennial year for Girls Scouts. There are several events scheduled throughout the year and 2012 has been declared the “Year of the Girl.”


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