Land use group holds open houses

Since July 2008 a cooperative land-use planning effort between the Department of Defense, Fairchild Air Force Base (FAFB), Spokane County and the surrounding communities of Spokane, Medical Lake and Airway Heights has taken place. Now the FAFB Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) is entering its final planning approval process.

The study identifies land use compatibility issues and actions that can and should be taken jointly by the communities and Fairchild to solve existing encroachment problems and prevent future ones. Urban encroachment is a major factor taken into consideration during the Base Realignment and Closure process (BRAC).

The first step in the approval process is to gather public input on the proposed JLUS implementation regulations. As such, Medical Lake, Airway Heights and Spokane County are holding three open houses Feb. 21-23. Representatives of the JLUS Technical Advisory Group and the JLUS Implementation Steering Committee will available to discuss, answer questions and take comments.

The open houses start at 6 p.m. at the following: Feb. 21 at the Spokane Waste to Energy Facility, 2900 S. Geiger Blvd.; Feb. 22 at Airway Heights City Council Chamber, 1208 S. Lundstrom and Feb. 23 in the Medical Lake City Hall Auditorium, 124 S. Lefevre St.


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