Letters to the Editor

Medical Lake levy supports class sizes, other activities

As a resident of the Medical Lake School District since 1966 I have supported the maintenance and operation levy for many years.

The current levy replacement proposal for Feb. 14 is essential to maintain smaller class sizes, advance placement, extra curricular, transportation for after school activities, textbooks, instructional materials, technology and science. The state of Washington has, over the last several years, decreased funds for many of the activities that support our schools in general.

Please vote for the Medical Lake School District replacement maintenance and operation levy on Feb. 14.

Russ Brown

Medical Lake

Plowing and shoveling for handicapped areas needs work

I'm not sure who is responsible for plowing and shoveling in our “mini-mall” areas. The handicapped parking spots in front of the Subway were not usable. They were full of snow while other parking spots on either side were clear.

It would be nice to have handicapped persons being encouraged to shop in Cheney. They have enough hardships in their lives.

Rubi Geary



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