Letters to the Editor

New season is approaching for StageWest Theatre

StageWest Community Theatre of the West Plains wants to announce another successful start to our new season.

Also the winners of our raffles: Christie Bruntlett won the spa basket the first week, Katie Shannon won the bakery basket the second week and Emily Lewan won the Pumpkin the third week and the winner of the grand prize of the gold and silver bracelet with diamond chips from Jewelry Design along with a massage and coupons for cosmetic tatooing was Debbie Clinton.

But the winners of all were the patrons that attended “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” the musical comedy version by Mary and Andrew Arnault and directed by Kay Byron Pacheco and assistant director Donna Neubauer.

The cast members were Ethan and Mary Lewan of Medical Lake, Janine and Abby Warrington also of Medical Lake, Judy Gross who also resides in Medical Lake. Cast members who live in Cheney were Melinda Reid, Chris Booth, Logan Tiedt, Daryl Zaugg, Liz and Linda Willand, Bonnie Eccles, John Brooks and Lindsey Bekemeyer. From Spokane were Phil West and Hailey and Holly Mathia and from Airway Heights was Tom Crick.

We can honestly say a good time was had by all that attended any one of the eight shows put on. We also want to thank our behind scenes performers. Kathleen Bell who went above and beyond the call of duty by making almost all of our costumes, and then performed as the head stagehand also. 

We had many other helpers behind the scenes and if it wasn't for them the play would have not happen. 

We also want to definitely thank the Emmanuel Lutheran Church for once again allowing us to perform in their building and for that we are ever so grateful.

Our next play is getting ready to hold auditions on Nov. 11 at 6:30 p.m. and Nov. 12 at 2 p.m. in the Emmanuel Lutheran Church. The play is “Portraits” by Jonathon Bell and directed by Phil West.  So come and try out for a part or sign up to work behind the scenes.

The play will be performed in February 2012.  So if you are at all interested to be in front or behind the scenes come we are always looking for new faces.

For further information please call Phil at 342-5525.

Kay Pacheco

Publicity Chair

StageWest CT of the West Plains

Community Coat Drive successful again

It will be a warmer winter for many area families this year! The 15th annual Community Coat Drive was a wonderful success with 248 coats collected locally and 147 coats distributed at two distribution sites and times. Plus, 85 miscellaneous items were donated (mostly handmade hats) of which 60 were distributed.

First and foremost, a huge thanks to The Wash Tub for laundering all of the coats donated locally, even though the laundry officially closed in September. Their ongoing, generous participation has made this yearly event possible. Special thanks, too, to the local Kiwanis who transported coats from the collections sites to the Wash Tub and back to the distribution sites. Thanks to Colleen McCallip of Tomlinson West Plains for connecting us with Coats 4 Kids and supplying us with collection bags and boxes and fliers. The Free Press did a wonderful job covering and promoting the event again this year – thank you! Thanks to all of the local schools, churches, and businesses that had collection boxes.

In Airway Heights an additional 150 coats were collected with help from Coats 4 Kids and the Airway Heights Kiwanis and 125 coats were distributed there. Special thanks to the Cheney United Methodist Church and Airway Heights Baptist Church for organizing the drives. These united efforts resulted in successful community events.

Carol Kriegh



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