Letters to the Editor

Thanks for hosting fundraiser for Lorna Jarms' transplant

A heartfelt thank you to Brad and Syrie Barsness. Last Thursday Brad allowed us to hold a bowling fundraiser at Cheney Bowl. A total of $776 was raised for Lorna Jarms' heart transplant fund.

Thank you to Brad, his hardworking staff and everyone who came out and bowled.

Lorna Jarms, her co-workers and friends,


When college students arrive, so do mass amounts of trash

In an effort to locate and reclaim the things that had been stolen off of our front porch I have had the recent displeasure of walking through the residential neighborhoods surrounding the university. I am appalled by the amount of trash, litter and remnants of parties that has accumulated in the streets, parking lots and lawns of our city. Dumpsters have been filled so far beyond capacity that the contents have spilled over and the mess has just been left for someone else to clean up.

Broken and discarded furniture lies where it was thrown by the former owners, beer cans and bottles are everywhere, half-eaten hamburgers and bags of fries litter our streets, sidewalks and parks. Discarded clothing and shoes add to the mess, things are simply dropped and left where they lie. Property owners, myself included, have had to pick up the empty bottles, cans and trash that has been thrown into your yards by the semi-adult students at EWU.

Occasionally a fraternity or sorority house will sponsor a cleanup of the surrounding neighborhood, sending their members out with plastic bags to pick up the trash. For their efforts they have been applauded but in all actuality they and the people who attend the parties that they throw are major contributors to the litter that has been thrown around the neighborhood. There are parts of our city that resemble Third World countries.

I have tov wonder, just what sort of upbringing did some of these people have? As a property owner and resident of the city of Cheney I find it very unsettling when I see the trash and garbage that has been thrown in our streets by part time residents who show a complete disregard for anyone other than themselves. Are there no city codes against the accumulation of huge piles of trash? Isn't littering a crime?

Lowell A. Mock,



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