Planning Commission discusses dual annexations and Sprague Ave. fixes


Staff Reporter

Airway Heights' Planning Commission once again discussed the two pending annexations to the east and west of the city, as well as an update on the Sprague Avenue realignment project.

The city has basic zones set for the east annexation, which will extend east of Hayford Road to Deer Heights Road. The city of Spokane will annex to extend its borders to the eastern side of Deer Heights Road.

September's Planning Commission meeting will have a public hearing to hear what zones would be appropriate in the annexed areas.

City planner Derrick Braaten said that the city's main focus and intent with the zoning procedures is to not disrupt landowners.

He said that the city wants to “try to zone in a similar way as to what's already there.”

Properties north of Highway 2 are a bit easier, as they are already zoned as commercial and residential land. South of the highway, however, is mainly industrial.

Braaten said that there are two parcels of land in the annexation to the east marked as light industrial, but that have multi-family developments on site. In the city's comprehensive plan, some industrial zoning will change to commercial in order to fit in with possible usage.

The goal of the city has been to make the Highway 2 corridor commercial-friendly. Potential changes to zoning would not go into effect until the actual date of annexation, which is expected to take place January 2012.

“We looked at the map, we laid out the general outline based on maintenance,” Braaten said. The effort was a joint one between members of Airway Heights, the city of Spokane and Spokane County.

Annexation to the west of the city, as part of an agreement with the Spokane Tribe of Indians, is also moving along, and the project as a whole is ahead of schedule.

Braaten reiterated that the Bureau of Indian Affairs has agreed to let Airway Heights annex the land, as part of the property to house the Spokane Tribe Economic Project. The city and the tribe entered into an agreement in 2007.

Zoning for the land will be labeled as Tribal Trust, and will stay as federal land, similar to the Kalispell property housing Northern Quest casino.

Also mentioned at the meeting was the Sprague Avenue realignment project.

Braaten said that engineering work on the road was completed, but was faced delays as the city is doing work on Tribal Trust land.

A multi-governance board is continuing progress on the project.

“It's still moving ahead, we're just working out the details,” Braaten said.

The commission is also seeking a new member, following the sudden resignation of vice chair Jason Perry.

Braaten said that Perry resigned due to personal reasons and that he was no longer residing in the city.

Planning Commission applications are available at Airway Heights City Hall. Mayor Patrick Rushing will ultimately appoint the position.

The Planning Commission meets once a month in council chambers.

James Eik can be reached at [email protected].


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