Letters to the Editor

Barking dogs are a continuous neighborhood nuisance

I have been dealing with barking dogs since I purchased my home in Medical Lake in May of 2010 in a development called “Fox Hollow.” I have reported barking dogs to the city, the sheriff, SpokAnimal, Crime Prevention, etc. They have, I assume, contacted the irresponsible owners who have done nothing to control their pets. The Sheriff's Office has because they contact me and let me know.

I have been told that I am the only person complaining, which I find absolutely incredible to believe since this is one large dog kennel here.

Just recently, some neighbors were having a get together of some kind next door to one of the houses whose animals are constantly barking at everything that moves. These two dogs were barking all afternoon at the goings on at the party. I was in my home trying to watch television, doors and windows open, it is summer and I enjoy fresh air. After several hours of the two dogs barking I called the sheriff who responded to an empty house but talked to the neighbor giving the party who told the officer that the barking dogs were not a concern. Two minutes prior to the sheriff arriving, this same individual was standing at the fence yelling his head off at the two cocker spaniels to be quiet, then he tells the sheriff that the barking is not a concern. Real guts there. Thank you for making the neighborhood a better place.

Another person, across the street in front of the barking dogs also told the deputy that the barking was not a concern, he doesn't have them in his back yard on a daily basis.

Why do people allow their neighbors to continually interrupt their lives and not have the fortitude to stand up and say that YES!!! Those damn dogs are a nuisance.

You deserve what you get.

Russell Shepherd

Medical Lake


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