Eastern Washington University sophomore Dakotta Williams, a government major from Goldendale, Wash., is one of nine students from five different states chosen for the George Nethercutt Foundation's 2011 Fellowship Program.
With the honor, she will be part of the foundation's academic, experience and service program. The non-profit Foundation was created in 2008, and is chaired by former 5th District U.S. Congressman George Nethercutt, Jr.
“Being awarded this fellowship is one of the highest achievements I can boast about,” an excited Williams said. “The experience will greatly impact my life, and perhaps change the course of it entirely. I cannot adequately express my excitement at having this opportunity, and I still find it hard to believe I was chosen.”
The foundation annually selects students from American universities to be part of its one-year program, which is designed to help college students receive a better civics education. Those selected for the fellowship receive three months of academic instruction about the nation's founding documents, economics, history and leadership.
“We are pleased to choose Dakotta Williams, an outstanding student from EWU who is a delightful young woman,” Nethercutt said. “This unique program is creating informed and principled leaders through our program.”
Williams and the other students will also receive an all-expenses paid trip to Washington, D.C., June 11-18, to meet with members of Congress, government officials, the national press, lobbyists, think-tank representatives and visit a foreign embassy and national monuments to learn more about how government works.
In return, students must donate 60 hours of personal time to a government agency, so they can put to use the education they receive.
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