EWU honors list for Fall

The following are West Plains undergraduate students who have qualified for the Dean's Honor List at Eastern Washington University for fall quarter 2010.

To be listed, a student must carry at least 12 credits and achieve a grade point average of 3.5 (4.0 scale) or above, which is equivalent to the letter grade “A.” A full list of Dean's Honor List students can be viewed at http://www.ewu.edu/deanslist.com.

Cheney: Jessica Austin, Sarah Bailey, Tanya Baker, Gwendolyn Barney, Dallin Bifano, Micah Bockstruck, Kaitlin Bosch, Rachel Brandt, Bryn Butler, Krista Caldwell, Grant Callant, Benjamin Camp, Anthony Cartwright, Daniel Caudel, Marina Chibidakis, Tyler Coulston, Oliver Davidson, Samantha De Abreu, David Denenny, Emmanuelle Dinca, Regina Doremus, Christopher Drewel, Alyssa Early, Andrea Eberhardt, Lindsey Eves, Jessica Faunce, Kai Flygare, Michelle Frantilla, Morgan Gariepy, Katlyn Gillingham, Danielle Gilmour, Robert Gisselberg, Caleb Gossler, Ross Grambo, Mara Grinder, Paul Grinder, Lindsey Ham, Katherine Hannan, Samantha Harwood, Molly Hobbs, Brett Hoblin, Maxine Holden, Micaela Hovater, Sierra Huckins, Austin Jenkins, Christopher Jerue, Jenna Johnson, Adam Jones, Ramandeep Kaur, Joseph Kreilkamp, William Kuster, Isaac Kuula, Rachel Ladines, Gabriel Langevin, Jessica Lauber, Dallas Lightner, Alyssa Martin, Peter Martsin, Alexa Mason, Ashley McHan, Tsacha Mewhinney, Querida Meyer, Mackensie Molter-Gaddy, Natalie Morris, Branden Mount, Adilene Navarro Oceguera, Wade Neilson, Christopher Nogle, Sean O'Donnell, Leah Parker, Ryan Pederson, Tyreil Poosri, Ruth Powell, Brent Powers, Vincent Roccanova, Jeff Rodgers, Stephanie Schrader, Merrilee Schulz, Hayley Seipp, Olga Shiva, Susan Shiva, Ryan Smith, Andrea Sorlien, Michael Spall, Hillary Spanjer, Nashua Springberry, Nicholas Stevens, Jackie Sykes, Colin Tait, Justin Terry, Lindy Tinker, Bryan Tobin, Melissa Tolman, Kelsey Uskoski, Joshua Van Stone, Mason Varias, Katherine Verkovod, Leah Warnick, Jessica Wellik, Stephani Wethington, Corey Williams, Joshua Wisswell and Colin Young

Medical Lake: Jade Adams, Chad Brewer, Heather Butler, Annette Caldwell, Amanda Cook, Justin Cooper, Stephanie Cooper, Mikayla Davis, Desiree Davis, Eric Dean, Nicholas Gottbreht, Brendan Greene, Jessica Kauffman, Rachel Kauffman, Sierra Kent, Kelley Lancaster, Jonathan Lewis, Cory Lund, Paige Mahoney, Jeremy Marinos, Blaine Mueller, Tyler Munther, Adam Robo, Krystle Sherman, Alex Skrobko, Nicole Smith, Joshua Stebbins, Tanner Tareski, Mykyta Tsyukalo, Ashley Watters, Coral Wonderly, Tiffany Yoder and Paula Young.


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