Enhanced emergency zone law increases penalties starting Jan. 1

Starting Jan. 1, 2011, law enforcement will have an additional tool to help keep fellow emergency workers safe while working on sides of the highway.

The state's enhanced Emergency Zone law (RCW 46.61.212) builds on an earlier “move over” law and creates zones around emergency workers similar to constructions zones. Under the new law, the fine will double if you're speeding or fail to move over when passing through the emergency zone.

Driving behavior that endangers an emergency worker becomes a crime. The motorist could be charged with a gross misdemeanor with possible jail time and a mandatory 60 day license suspension.

Washington State passed the original “Move Over” law in 2007. However, despite this change the problem continued to get worse. Between 2006 and 2009, the Washington State Patrol alone had 80 collisions involving passing vehicles striking trooper vehicles parked alongside the highway. The major contributing factor in these collisions were speeding or driving too fast for conditions, followed by DUI.

The new law also requires State Patrol to conduct an education period for the first 90 days. During this time, troopers will focus on educating drivers about this new law and the need to slow down and move over when they approach and pass through emergency zones.


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