Letters to the editor

Business licenses are helping Cheney business community

A year and a half ago, Cheney City Council approved a business license for anyone who wants to conduct business in the Cheney. The fee was waived in 2009 and is $15 for this year. Next year, it will be the full price of $30 per year. This excludes a number of organizations and other entities.

See the web site for more information: http://www.cityofcheney.org/site/business/business_licenses.

The reason behind the license was to collect information for the city so it created a funding mechanism for economic development. Secondly, it gave the city a collective database of information. For example, if you want to open a particular restaurant and noticed that there are four of them, you will think twice before opening the same type of restaurant. It only makes business sense.

While putting this together, Cheney Merchants Association (CMA) had a voice in the process of creating this license. Last night (Monday) at the CMA meeting we got a chance to see the new maps with businesses located on it. It is something that the CMA and other businesses needed to hand out to people who are visiting our great city. The city put this together professionally and had them copied at Copy Junction (CMA member). All the businesses that are licensed with the city got their place on the map. The city will do another map in the near future so if you are not on the map, now is a great time to get your license so you can be on the next map.

Visitors staying at Holiday Inn Express (CMA member) will get a map at the front desk and they will see all the businesses on this map. This map was paid for through the business license fund, which can be used for economic development for Cheney businesses only.

I want to thank the Mayor, City Administrator and staff of City of Cheney who put this together. Great job and we thank you from the CMA.

Allan Gainer

CMA Chair


Rules on pets in stores are simple and should be followed

Regarding the letter about Bi-Mart (“Experience with local store a turnoff to shopping locally,” Sept. 30). It is a wonderful store suited to Cheney.

I wouldn't think of taking my dog into certain places as she is not a service dog.

I do shop in Cheney, having to venture out when our stores do not carry a product I need.

Bi-Mart has been so nice to me; I do follow the rules. They even ask about my dog in the car.

As a former Seattleite, now a Cheneyite, Bi-Mart adds to Cheney, does not crush other stores and we are loyal.

The author of the letter seems to feel he is above rules. They are simple, follow them.

Ruth J. Fox


More stores should take Bi-Mart lead for public safety's sake

Responding to Mr. Streeter's “shopping locally experience,” I can only commend Bi-Mart for questioning him bringing a pet into their store.

In the greater Spokane area the Cheney Bi-Mart store is the first I have heard of educating the public on state law and common sense. Good for you Bi-Mart.

Service animals are trained, certified and wear recognized symbols/markings for aiding handicapped individuals. Service animals are registered and have identification as proof.

Individuals' pets are not allowed in stores for a reason – public safety. If pets were allowed we'd see potbelly pigs, chickens, etc. with ribbons and bright colored clothing being claimed as service animals.

From where I stand we all need more stores in the greater Spokane area to follow Bi-Mart's lead.

Sorry, Dr. Streeter's position does not supersede common sense.

Jim Schulz


There are many reasons dogs shouldn't be allowed in stores

Sounds as though Dr. Streeter's shopping experience was one many people might applaud.  Not everyone is fond of dogs of any size. Some people are allergic to dogs; dogs make other people nervous. Most people have adjusted to service dogs, but unnecessary dogs are an aggravation.

I do not believe the “no dogs admitted” law was passed just to annoy dog owners who feel Spot or Suzie must be with them constantly. How many stores, other than the pet store, welcomed Dr. Streeter and his puppy?

P.S. I believe Cheney has a pet store, also two farm supply stores that probably carry dog collars.

Joretta Holt Hartley


Pets are too often abandoned when students leave town

If you have – or get – a dog or a cat, it is important that it be spayed or neutered, you take it with you when you move from Cheney or you find a responsible new owner for it.

Many pets are left on their own or with a well-meaning but neglectful person. Thses abandoned animals have a hard time surviving, especially in the cold of winter. They breed, and their offspring are wild. If not taken in, most of them suffer and die.

If you care for animals enough to want one, please think twice about getting a kitten or a puppy, unless you plan to take it home after your time at Eastern Washington University. They really can't live well on their own.

Bonnie Haines


Do you know where your retirement fund is these days?

High social security payroll taxes have contributed to yearly Social Security Trust Fund surpluses until the proclaimed surplus is now in excess of $2.503 trillion.

However, Congress has elected to sacrifice Social Security on the altar of corruption by spending the entire surplus, requiring the U.S. Treasury to cover the embezzlement by issuing non-negotiable IOU bonds to the Trust Fund. Such economically irresponsible and morally reprehensible behavior by entrenched politicians demonstrates their total disrespect for working people.

After successfully looting the Trust Fund, Congress now plans to loot individual IRAs and 401(k)s because they contain the largest source of untapped revenue. At the end of 2009 there were $4.26 trillion of assets in IRAs and $2.77 trillion in 401(k) plans.

Confiscation of these retirement plans is now being formalized in hearings initiated Sept. 15 by the Labor Department's Employee Benefits Security Administration.When confiscation is enacted by Congress our retirement accounts will be converted to Guaranteed Retirement Accounts (GRAs).

The confiscation of our retirement and savings plans will require our government to sell equities in the private accounts in exchange for the “safety of treasuries.” However, there is no safety in treasuries as they are ground zero when it comes to fiat (paper) currency risk.

The Obama administration's 10-year budget plan predicts that the national debt of the U.S. will exceed $25 trillion in 2019. At some total debt level a tipping point will occur, causing hyperinflation resulting in an explosion of the debt bomb.

When that happens, your “safe” GRA will become worthless.

Robert A. Dahlquist

Orange, Calif.


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