In Our Opinion: Police reports offer many services to all sides

Education, entertainment and embarrassment.

Those are just three of many reasons that come to mind when pondering why the Cheney Free Press provides weekly police reports from West Plains' law enforcement agencies.

Some residents like the education they provide. Others enjoy a certain entertainment factor. And yet there are those who want to run for the shadows when – to their embarrassment – they appear in the section.

While there are numerous reasons why people either like or dislike the police reports, our primary reason is to provide a service to our readership. So we thought it a good time, now that all agencies are back in print, if we explained a few things about what you see and read.

All kidding aside, citizens want to know that their public servants, especially law enforcement, are watching over everyone's safety. As community members we like to know where the crimes are occurring to know if we have to tighten up our personal security to protect against break-ins.

Published crime reports are good for the police departments too. Not only does it show they are doing their job but it shows a level of transparency.

What readers should also know about the reports we publish is that the items come directly from the various agencies themselves. They are not subject to editorial interpretation, but they are not ALL of what is happening because space and time do not allow.

The Cheney Free Press has recently restored Medical Lake's portion of the report after a hiatus caused by the changing of the guard, so to speak, when the Spokane County took over police services for the city. Now residents can at least get a glimpse of how their new police force is doing its job.

A recent caller to the paper complained about one of our reports, saying that they were not arrested and that our information was wrong. But the finer points of the law say that not everyone who is “arrested” is taken away in a patrol car in handcuffs and to jail.

Another quirk you might notice is that, unlike other jurisdictions we cover, Airway Heights does – and has the legal right to – withhold names in their police reports. Like the person who called to complain about their “arrest” this is a concern that should be directed to that agency.

Break-ins, burglaries, thefts, assaults, vandalism, driving while license suspended and driving under the influence are some of the items you may read about. There will, however, be no barking dogs or stray cats. We include items where there is more potential impact on people.

It's generally not a good thing to be included in police reports, but if one ends up there, rest assured we do not make exceptions. We've had a number of notable names – even former employees – show up on the pages of the reports in the past.

Bottom line is that through the police reports we strive to educate readers. If you don't want the embarrassment of becoming entertainment, make sure you don't show up here.


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