ML SCOPE announces volunteer of the year


Staff Reporter

Shirley Byrnes was recently chosen as the Espanola/Medical Lake SCOPE (Sheriff's Community Oriented Policing Effort) volunteer of the year.

The Medical Lake location is one of 19 SCOPE stations in Spokane County that offer neighborhood-centered support for law officers across the region.

Byrnes, a resident of Silver Lake since her husband retired from the military in 1973, said she's became active with the SCOPE program after first hearing about it three years ago at a weekly seniors luncheon.

Medical Lake/Espanola SCOPE events coordinator Barbara Enright said Byrnes is one of about 30 volunteers at the station who participate in various fundraisers, education campaigns and Citizens on Patrol, a roving block watch program that provides extra eyes and ears for community law enforcement.

The group also assists with traffic and crowd control at local events throughout the year, from February's Polar Plunge for Special Olympics to Medical Lake's Founder's Day last month. They'll also be seen at next week's Skyfest air show at Fairchild Air Force Base, the Medical Lake Blue Waters Bluegrass Festival in early August and numerous running and triathlon events this summer.

“It seems like every year we're being asked to help more and more. People are starting to know we're available,” Enright said.

The group's growing popularity is alright with Byrnes, who said she and other SCOPE volunteers are always willing to help out. “Anything we're asked to do, we do it,” she said. While Byrnes said it's an honor to be chosen as volunteer of the year, she added, “all the others do just as much as I do.”

Byrnes said she always enjoys working with her fellow volunteers and has developed some great friendships under the SCOPE banner, although more helpers are needed all the time. Donations too would be much appreciated in order to fund new options for kids in the community, she said. The group stages bike fairs and other youth-oriented activities, but Byrnes said her dream is to see a community center in Medical Lake.

“I'd love to see more here for the kids, something for them to do,” she said.

The Medical Lake/Espanola SCOPE station is located at 111 W. Brooks Road in Medical Lake and is open Tuesdays from 9:30 a.m. to noon and Thursdays from noon to 3 p.m. For more information about SCOPE or volunteering call 299-7525 or visit the station's Website at

Ryan Lancaster can be reached at [email protected].


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