CPD handles investigations, sees call increases


Staff Reporter

Cheney detectives continued work on a Feb. 21 drive by shooting as well as new rape cases in March, according to the Monthly Annual Review (MAR) of the police department.

Police Cmdr. Rick Campbell said detectives have filed new charges in the shooting, with six individuals involved. Campbell said detectives discovered that, after the shooting early Feb. 21, the offending vehicle went to Zip's, where two individuals left the vehicle and two others got in. After the arrest, these two led officers to believe they had been in the vehicle during the shooting, assumedly to cover for the other two who had left the vehicle. Campbell said charges were filed with the prosecuting attorney.

Detectives also worked on two new rape cases, as well as two child rapes, Campbell said. He said Cheney averages 12-16 rapes per year, so he was not concerned by the recent incidents.

“I'm not seeing like it's a trend,” he said. “There's not some rogue rapist out there who we don't know about.”

The March MAR also showed that computer aided dispatch calls were up significantly over 2009.

“The work dispatch has done has just gone up in general,” Campbell said, with 2010 year to date calls up more than 800 over last year to 8,236 for an 11 percent increase. Campbell said dispatchers are doing a good job managing the increased workload during their shifts.

Two new patrol cars were completed and sent out on the road in March. Some backordered parts had delayed the deployment.

Becky Thomas can be reached at [email protected].


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