Qualified applicants being sought for $600,000 in federal funds aiming to prevent homelessness
Staff Reporter
Many county residents on the brink of homelessness could be eligible for rent or utility assistance through the Spokane County Homelessness Prevention Program.
The Spokane County Community Services, Housing and Community Development office will manage a $622,000 three-year grant made available by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
Qualified applicants for the program must reside in the county's unincorporated areas or outlying cities and show a lack of housing options, financial resources and support networks needed to remain housed. They must also present proof of earnings that equal 50 percent or less of the Area Median Income.
A family of four, for instance, would need to have an income of $30,100 or less to be eligible for assistance. In large part because of the economic slump, CSHCD director Christine Barada said a fair number of people now meet this last criteria – more than 15,000 households, according to the Spokane County 2005-2009 Consolidated Plan.
Barada said since the grant was made available Oct. 19, about 500 residents have submitted applications and are on track for aid. Second only to Spokane Valley, which has had roughly 230 applicants, Cheney has 42 households enrolled in the program. Nine households from Medical Lake and 27 from Airway Heights have also applied.
Many other urban counties and cities around the country received similar federal grants including the city of Spokane, which is distributing a $1.5 million fund through a collaboration between Volunteers of America, Catholic Charities and Spokane Neighborhood Action Partners.
Barada said the county first received its grant money in August and has since formed a plan to get the word out to those who might need a little push to get back on their feet again in a tough economy. Residents can get more information by calling 211 or they can complete an initial application at http://www.spokanecountyhprp.com that will let them know in about four minutes if the general requirements are met.
Applicants who aren't qualified for the homelessness prevention program can still be connected with other community resources and social service programs by calling 211.
Those who are eligible are invited to submit an application via e-mail that sets in motion the process of receiving funds. “Once we get the information it does take a little time to review and confirm,” Barada said. “It can take about 30 days, longer if all the info isn't there.
The aid money can be used toward a few months of rental assistance or to pay off utility bills such as water, heat, sewer and garbage. Assistance isn't provided for mortgage payments or legal fees associated with retaining housing, but all program participants are put in touch with credit counselors who can help with a long-term plan for housing sustainability.
The program has distributed about $4,000 so far, but Barada said her office is wrapping up the review process on a number of applications and she expects distribution to accelerate in the first weeks of the new year. “This has taken a while to get off the mark but it's going very well now,” she said.
Ryan Lancaster can be reached at [email protected].
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