West Plains Chamber of Commerce honors region's unrecognized best


Staff Reporter

Fairways Golf Course Country Club offered wine and desserts while local educators, public safety employees, and small and large businesses were publicly recognized at the Best of the West Plains Awards held April 2.

West Plains Chamber executive director Matthew Pederson said the long running, annual event is held to recognize people in job categories that do not normally receive a lot of acknowledgment.

“A lot of folks that work hard year round, and to be nominated by peers and recognized by the community is truly a great honor and a thank you from the West Plains Chamber,” Pederson said.

People and businesses can be nominated by anyone. Pederson said nominations do not have to come from a member of the West Plains Chamber, nor is the recipient restricted to being a member either.

Nominations are evaluated by the West Plains Chamber executive board and are measured by the strength of the nomination letter. Pederson added that the person writing the letter has to sell the nominee to the chamber.

Among those receiving awards was Cathy Munoz who is responsible for four public safety agencies on the West Plains: Cheney Police Department, Eastern Washington University Police Department, the Cheney and the Medical Lake courts. All four of Munoz's agencies received a 100 percent rating in state performance audits. Only five agencies in the state passed with a 100 percent rating.

The Inland Northwest Skyfest won for Tourism Event of the Year. During the award ceremony, Pederson said it drew 220,000 spectators to Fairchild Air Force Base during the two-day event, making it the largest single event in the Spokane region since the World's Fair was held in Spokane in 1974.

Other awards went to educators. Sheila Benson, a third grade teacher at Michael Anderson Elementary in the Medical Lake School District won Educator of the Year. Pederson said in an email that Benson's fun personality and dedication to her students makes them feel welcome and loved. He added that Benson has a connection with her students that helps even the most challenged students stay focused and on task. One example is her “wiggle dance,” a light hearted attention-gathering tool that the children enjoy that helps burn excess energy to focus on classroom activities.

The Lifetime Member Award went to Chuck Stocker. Pederson said that honor is bestowed by the chamber to an individual dedicating at least 10 years of continued service to the chamber and contributed at a high level to the overall community and business development of the West Plains. Pederson added that the award shows the value of the their membership, but is also a thank you in hopes the recipient will continue their contribution after they retire.

To nominate someone for a Best of the West Plains award, Pederson said the chamber begins inviting nominating letters about mid-February. Submissions should be no more than 200-500 words. The submission period is typically about six weeks long. He added that the writer of the nomination letter needs to demonstrate the credit of the person they are nominating.

David Teller can be reached at [email protected]


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