Want to dance with wolves? Come to Turnbull Wildlife Refuge Oct. 20

Saturday, Oct. 20, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., staff and volunteers at Turnbull Wildlife Refuge are providing the opportunity to meet a live wolf.

Refuge director Nancy Curry, along with members of the Spokane Parks and Recreation Department has partnered with the “Wolf People” to bring you this exciting program at Turnbull Wildlife Refuge.

This will be a chance to see and meet a live wolf. First, Curry will explain how she got interested in wolves and discuss her life and work with them. It will be followed by a Powerpoint presentation to see photos of wolves as part of a pack and share some stories.

Common misunderstandings about wolves in the wild will be dispelled and a discussion of the history of wolf introduction will be done. After a brief question and answer period participants are invited to meet the wolves.

Through this personal encounter the Refuge hopes people will better understand the wolf and how important it is.

The Refuge has a $3 per vehicle use fee unless you have a yearly federal pass, payable upon entering. Folks are welcome to bring a lunch and stay the day to enjoy the car touring route and the many trails of the Turnbull Wildlife Refuge. The registration deadline is Oct. 15. Directions will be sent upon sign up. Adults $15. Ages 16 and under $9. Contact the city of Spokane at 509-625-6200 or visit the web site (www.spokaneparks.org).


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