The Cheney Kiwanis and Cheney Garden Club have selected the home of Star and David Anderson, 2614 Oxford Circle, as the Cheney Yard of the Month for August.
The Andersens have been working on their yard since moving into the new home in Avalon Place nine years ago. While both dedicate a lot of time and effort, Star credits David with having the “green thumb” when it comes to keeping things thriving.
For David, gardening is a way to relax as well as contribute something back to the community by providing pleasing surroundings for neighbors, front and back, to look at.
While flowers in hanging baskets are the central feature of the Andersens' front yard, the editor of the monthly publication, Wheat Life, and his wife have made their backyard – which David Andersen calls the croquet yard – a paradise, covered with lush grass and planting seven lilac bushes of different varieties, flowers and around a dozen trees, dominated by a healthy thriving willow.
The willow started as a 6-foot tall sapling, but now stands over 50-feet, thanks to David Andersen's secret ingredient – a hot tub. Andersen said he drains the hot tub, sans chemicals, periodically into the tree's roots.
“It gets a 250 gallon drink about every three months,” he added.
The Andersen's received a $25 gift certificate from Ben Franklin, and a $50 donation by the Kiwanis in their name was made to the Cheney Garden Club. Star Andersen said they donated the money to the Garden Club because of its efforts to encourage a vibrate Cheney.
“We thinking promoting beautiful yards is a good cause,” she said.
John McCallum can be reached at [email protected]
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