Airway Heights council approves eight-acre annexation request


Staff Reporter

The city of Airway Heights will get just a little bit bigger.

The Airway Heights City Council unanimously agreed Monday night to kick start annexation proceedings for nearly eight acres of property west of Craig Road and north of Highway 2.

After a request by William Berry, the council approved a resolution accepting the letter of intent to commence annexation procedures for Berry's 3.93 acres, which include a gas station and convenience store.

In addition, the adjacent Travelers Casualty insurance property, which includes other commercial buildings, will add another 3.3 acres to the annexation.

Both parcels are within the city's urban growth areas, as established under the Growth Management Act.

“We've really been looking at this for a while,” Council Member Rick Jacks said.

The main reason for the request, Berry said, was to be able to have access to city services such as sewer and water.

“We wanted to get off the septic system,” Berry said after the meeting. “It's just so we can get the services – that was pretty much the (driving force behind the request).”

No one spoke out against the annexation at the public hearing.

The council increased the city's sewer rates back in May. As of June 1, adjustments were made in order to keep sewer system revenues in line with costs of a new wastewater treatment facility planned for Airway Heights.

Residential rates were increased from $41.56 per month to $45.72. Multi-family housing rates went up from $33.25 per month to $36.58. All other uses, including business, rise from $4476 per month to $49.24.

In other news from Monday's regular meeting, the council:

•Agreed to begin negotiation proceedings for the purchase of water rights from property owner Norm Stradling. The issue will come back to the council for final approval.

•Will apply for a 50-percent match grant from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission to install landscaping along Highway 2 as part of the continued revitalization project in that area.

•Decided to apply for funding for street and sidewalk improvements. Sources include the Transportation Improvement Board and the Spokane Regional Transportation Council.

Mike Huffman can be reached at [email protected]


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