Emmanuel Lutheran Church
The word “mission” is a noun, which is used in a variety of ways. A group of persons in the act of representing their government is on “a mission.” A talk given to an individual or group (like the military) is on a “mission.” A group of people sent by a church to do religious work is called a “mission.”
In English usage, the word “mission” can refer to people, a task, or a place. “Mission” is derived from the Latin verb meaning to “send.” It is to reach out to the world with the love of God.
Our summer schedule is as follows:
Thursday, June 7: 5:30 p.m. Eastern Washington University Student Sojourners
Friday, June 8: 5:15 p.m. Health and exercise group
Saturday June 9: Noon scrapbooking
Sunday June 10: 9 a.m. Classes for all, 10:30 a.m. Worship, 11:30 a.m. Fellowship, 3 p.m. Cheney Care Center service.
Monday June 11: 5:15 p.m. Heath and exercise group, 6:30 p.m. Al-Anon
United Church of Christ
The weather is warm, graduation is approaching, and that must mean that it's summertime again in the UCC!
Sunday School is on summer vacation until September, and the choir is also on its summer hiatus. Church service, however, will continue to be led by Rev. Debi Hasdorff at its usual time: 10 a.m. Childcare is available during the church service in the Christian education building. All are welcome at the UCC, and we enjoy
seeing new faces. Maybe we'll see you soon!
United Methodist Church
Sunday morning worship at the United Methodist Church this week is at 8:20 a.m. and 10:50 a.m. The Rev. Joanne Coleman Campbell will lead both services. There will be a charge conference between the services.
Following the meeting we will have a hospitality training session to review what we have learned over the past few months and to plan for the weeks and months ahead.
Sunday school classes are in recess until Sept. 1. Looking ahead, we will be going to one Sunday morning worship service during the summer weeks beginning June 17. The time will be determined and announced.
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