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  • StageWest thanks the public for a successful season

    Updated May 23, 2019

    StageWest Community Theatre had great success with the last production of the 2018-2019 Session, “The Savannah Sipping Society” by Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope and Jamie Wooten. Most performances had a capacity crowd and the dinner theatre was a complete sell out. StageWest would like to thank the congregation of Emmanuel Lutheran Church and the minister, Arianna Arends, for the generous use of their building for all of our auditions, rehearsals and performances. Without this kind gift, StageWest would not have been able to...

  • Closing EWU downtown gallery creates an art opportunity

    Updated May 23, 2019

    I recently received word that the Eastern Washington University Downtown Student Gallery will be closing soon. I understand that this is due to a lack of funding, not participation, therefore, I would like to make the following statement and suggestion for keeping the gallery doors open. Since I moved here four years ago, I have participated in several Spokane art-fests. While Spokane offers outlets for my art, I am more interested in bringing art into Cheney. I have been in communication with some local artists as well as...

  • Roundup should be banned

    Updated May 23, 2019

    It is garden season which is a passion close to my heart. I find myself cringing in horror whenever I see Roundup weed killer, marketed by Monsanto/Bayer, lining store shelves in Spokane and around the country. I recently read in “Living Maxwell,” an organization that supports organic and healthy food sources, that 250 million pounds of Roundup are sprayed each year. Research is showing that many products that we eat now contain glyphosate absorbed from the weed killer. According to the article, 0.1 ppb (parts per bil...

  • What happened to justice in American courts?

    FRANK WATSON, Contributor|Updated May 23, 2019

    Our court system is out of control. I was watching a Mariner’s game the other day when the network filled a break in the action with a half dozen commercials. My drink and chip bowl were both full, so I sat back in my recliner and day-dreamed. I came fully awake when a law firm announced they had won a $289 million settlement against the makers of Roundup and requested I call the number on the screen to see if I could share in the bounty. I have used Roundup in my garden for several years, so, after the ball game, I r...

  • Removing Snake River dams is unwise for a multitude of reasons

    DON C. BRUNELL, Contributor|Updated May 23, 2019

    There are dams that should come down and those that shouldn’t. Hopefully, as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers conducts its review of the 14 federal dams on the Columbia and Snake rivers, that will become abundantly clear. That review is expected to be ready for public comment in late 2020. Here is the difference. Demolishing the two dams on the Elwha River west of Port Angeles was a good thing. They were built in the early 1900s to bring electricity to the Olympic Peninsula a...

  • Courage counts most when you feel like you are at your worst

    KRISTINE MEYER, Contributor|Updated May 16, 2019

    Imagine what it feels like to lose. Multiply that several times over. How tempting is it to throw up your hands in defeat and get really mad about it? When I was in junior high I went to a small school that wouldn’t be able to field a girls’ basketball team unless every girl in both the seventh and eighth grades turned out for the team. Basketball was not my favorite sport, but I turned out for the team so that the girls who liked basketball would have a chance to play. Turns out we weren’t very good. For two years strai...

  • Georgia reproductive bills should concern us all

    SHANNEN TALBOT, Staff Reporter|Updated May 16, 2019

    An inescapable news topic in recent weeks has been Georgia’s new legislation governing abortion, signed into law by Gov. Brian Kemp last week and sparking outrage and debate across the country. The much-buzzed-about “heartbeat bill,” HB 481, is one of the strictest in the country and bans abortions after six weeks. The ban is the fifth in the country to ban abortion after that date, but takes it one step further by granting a fetus full legal personhood. And regardless of your stance on abortion, the precedent set by this...

  • Our tax dollars shouldn't be spent on torture

    Updated May 9, 2019

    Tax season is over, so now we have time to consider how our tax dollars are being spent. One glaring concern should be our funding of the Israeli military. Part of that money is used to incarcerate and torture Palestinian children as young as 10 years old — arresting them at night, harassing them, keeping them in frigid rooms, forcing them to sign confessions in a foreign language without defense lawyers or parents — in military not civilian courts. Convictions are 99 percent according to UNICEF. These terrible pro...

  • Do research on supposed Muslim 'silence'

    Updated May 9, 2019

    Frank Watson’s Guest Commentary “Religious Freedom Condemns Terrorism” is another in an unfortunately long history of predominantly conservative commentators criticizing Muslims for not condemning terrorism perpetrated by Islamic extremists. Watson is “still waiting for a Muslim spokesman to condemn 9/11.” He goes on to say that the terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka were, “absolutely denounced throughout the globe…except by Islamic political and religious leaders,” who he claims, “were conspicuously quiet.” Then tangentially,...

  • Steel tariffs are now stealing your gasoline savings

    MERRILL MATTHEWS, Contributor|Updated May 9, 2019

    President Trump’s pro-energy policies are on a collision course with his protectionist policies. Let’s hope, for the sake of the economy and energy independence, energy policies prevail. At a time when U.S. oil production is at an all-time high, the president’s tariffs on metals are raising the cost of pipeline and drilling materials. In the last few years, breakthroughs in extracting oil and natural gas secured America’s spot as a top energy producer. Last year, U.S. production surpassed both Russia and Saudi Arabia....

  • Affirmative Action has turned into negative reaction

    FRANK WATSON, Contributor|Updated May 9, 2019

    Twenty years ago, Washington voters outlawed ethnic discrimination within our state. Initiative 200, passed by a decisive popular vote, specified that employers or those granting contracts, “shall not discriminate against nor grant preferable treatment … on the basis of race, sex, ethnicity or national origin.” This past Sunday during their last minute session, our Legislature struck down the people’s initiative. Ethnic background is now a required criteria for evaluating new employees and granting state contracts. Propone...

  • Facing the battle for America's soul

    John McCallum, Managing Editor|Updated May 9, 2019

    In just over two weeks, residents will get a chance to see something unique — a fairly accurate depiction of a historical moment that shaped this country into what it is today. The Washington Civil War Association, in conjunction with the city of Cheney, will bring a two-and-a-half day reenactment of the conflict spanning the years 1861 – 1865 that claimed around 1 million American lives — more than all the major wars fought before and since combined. Ostensibly referred to as “The Battle of Minnie Creek,” or the “Battle of C...

  • Most Americans reject Trump's "America First" policy

    LAWRENCE WITTNER, Contributor|Updated May 2, 2019

    As president, Donald Trump has leaned heavily upon what he has called an “America First” policy. This nationalist approach involves walking away from cooperative agreements with other nations and relying, instead, upon a dominant role for the United States, under girded by military might, in world affairs. Nevertheless, as numerous recent opinion polls reveal, most Americans don’t support this policy. The reaction of the American public to Trump’s withdrawal of the United States from key international agreements has been host...

  • E-Waste reduction requires innovative approaches

    DON C. BRUNELL, Contributor|Updated May 2, 2019

    “One of the biggest challenges of the 21st Century is dealing with the progress of the 20th Century — especially old computers, monitors, cellular phones and televisions. These appliances depend on potentially hazardous materials, such as mercury, to operate. After a five-to-eight year useful life, many are tossed into dumpster and sent to landfills where they can leach into the soil and groundwater.” That was the opening paragraph of a column I wrote 20 years ago. Howev...

  • Kids offer insight if given opportunity

    SHANNEN TALBOT, Staff Reporter|Updated May 2, 2019

    This week I had the privilege of eating lunch at a local middle school while working on a story. In the process, I talked to school officials and some students about what they were eating and the importance of a good meal during the school day. Over the course of my career I’ve talked to kids at sporting events, political rallies, domestic violence shelters and volunteer events. These conversations have led me to one conclusion, which I can look upon with absolute clarity. We don’t give kids enough credit. Children are con...

  • Religious freedom condemns terrorism

    FRANK WATSON, Contributor|Updated May 2, 2019

    On March 15, a small group of white supremacists attacked a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, killing 50 worshipers. Political and religious leaders throughout the world condemned the act and the terrorists. The six gunmen were rounded up and will be punished to the limit of New Zealand law. As far as we know, the motivation of the attack was more racial than religious. In retaliation, a group of Islamic terrorists sent seven suicide bombers to Christian targets in Sri Lanka last week. They inflicted 800 casualties, 300...

  • Basic science on carbon dioxide cannot be denied

    Updated Apr 25, 2019

    Carbon dioxide is the thermostat of earth’s atmosphere. That was demonstrated by John Tyndall, a British physicist, in experiments done in his laboratory in the 1850s. Using a relatively simple apparatus he showed infrared radiation (heat) passes through oxygen and nitrogen gases unimpeded, whereas carbon dioxide, even in low concentrations, absorbs heat. Light energy from the sun (a spectrum of wavelengths) passes to the earth’s surface with little absorption, bringing the energy that is transformed into heat at the ear...

  • The Mueller Report - Guilty!

    MEL GURTOV, Contributor|Updated Apr 25, 2019

    My moniker for this president is Desperate Donald. Now the Mueller report shows the moniker is a good one: It tells us that Trump went bonkers, fearing Mueller’s appointment spelled “the end of my presidency.” In June 2017 Trump told the White House counsel, Don McGahn, to fire Mueller. McGahn refused. Other attempts by Trump to get subordinates to undermine Mueller’s work also failed, the report shows. Publicly, Trump sought to debunk the Russia investigation on an almost daily basis; 1,100 times, to be exact (accord...

  • Schools must evolve for the 21st century

    ANDREW MEYERS and TOM VANDER ARK|Updated Apr 25, 2019

    By ANDREW MEYERS and TOM VANDER ARK Contributors Lyft recently announced that it would be going public. Uber isn’t far behind. In little more than a decade, the two companies have upended the transportation sector -- and transformed how we think about both transportation and work. If only we could bring that sort of innovation to our nation’s education sector. American schools have scarcely evolved since the days of the horse and buggy. Our educational system incentivizes memorization and rote learning in the age of Goo...

  • Changing daylight savings a bad move - set clocks to standard time

    FRANK WATSON, Contributor|Updated Apr 25, 2019

    Our state Legislature has accomplished all their goals. They have outlawed eyeball tattoos, enacted the biggest budget increase in history, raised the price of gasoline, and enabled the worst school funding debacle since statehood. Having done all this with time to spare, they recently voted to change the amount of available daylight. As I understand the logic, too many people get confused during the change from daylight savings to standard time, so we should quit changing. Making daylight savings time permanent would give us...

  • Of gracious professionalism and selfish needs

    Lee Hughes, Staff Reporter|Updated Apr 25, 2019

    I’d like to offer a contrast of ideals and character for your consideration. I recently had the pleasure of interviewing several Medical Lake High School students, members of the Circuit Breakers robotics team. I went into the interview not knowing what to expect, having never spoken with a teenager involved with robotics. I guess I expected some serious nerdiness. What a pleasant surprise it was. The kids I spoke with were polite, intelligent, engaging, enthusiastic and d...

  • Education funding decisions can have long-term consequences

    FRANK WATSON, Contributor|Updated Apr 18, 2019

    Big headlines announce one in 12 Spokane teachers may lose their jobs. Those who follow my column may remember last fall when the Legislature poured money into K-12 education statewide, I said it would do little, if anything, to improve classroom education. As predicted, the first in line to grab the money was the teachers’ union. I blamed the State Supreme Court for mucking around in areas beyond their expertise. I blamed the Legislature, recently unconstrained by a conservative majority in either house, for pouring money w...

  • Notre Dame could prove revealing if we let it

    John McCallum, Managing Editor|Updated Apr 18, 2019

    Before the ever turning news cycle moves on spotlight-fashion to the next attention-consuming item, some thoughts on the April 15 fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. First, despite early fears, a lot of the 850-year-old Gothic masterpiece of architectural, cultural and religious importance is intact and capable of being salvaged. The organ and most associated pipes are safe, along with much of the stained glass in the building, including the Rose Windows from the 13th century. In fact, video posted on CNN Tuesday from...

  • Step up and make Cheney a great place to 'live'

    Updated Apr 11, 2019

    If you have been reading the Cheney Free Press with any kind of regularity, you will have noticed something troubling. At least it’s troubling to me. In the last year, especially the last six months, Cheney has had to say goodbye to some people that have really made a difference in our community. There are people that reside in Cheney, and then again, there are people that “live” in Cheney. We have lost so many that have made this community what it is today, and I worry that there won’t be anyone to step up and take their p...

  • Special Olympics not political pawn

    Updated Apr 11, 2019

    By SHANNEN TALBOT Staff Reporter March was fraught with conflict for educators and parents across the county when the U.S Office of Management and Budget proposed the elimination of nearly $18 million in Special Olympics funding. Lights. Smile. Curtain up. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos defended the budged on Capitol Hill, even though the billionaire personally donated to the organization. A massive public outcry ensued despite the slim chance that Congress would approve such a move, and following the potential public...

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