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  • Solving the doctor shortage and medical school bottleneck

    RICHARD LIEBOWITZ, Contributor|Updated Aug 29, 2019

    Tens of thousands of Americans apply to U.S. medical schools each year. Only a fraction gain admission. The University of Arizona, for instance, posted a 1.9 percent acceptance rate in 2018. UCLA, Florida State University, and Wake Forest accepted fewer than 3 percent of applicants. Many U.S. medical schools are proud of their microscopic admission rates. But they have negative ramifications for the nation’s healthcare system. The United States will need up to 121,900 more physicians by 2032 to care for its aging p...

  • Article, celebration brought back memories

    Updated Aug 29, 2019

    Thank you, John McCallum, for the article you wrote about my parents Pete and Jewel Baccarella on Aug. 8, 2019 in the Cheney Free Press. It brought back a lot of memories. I would also like to thank my brother and sisters and the Cheney family and friends that support my parents every day. Thank you for celebrating my father’s 72nd birthday and his retirement party at Centennial Park on Aug.17 with us. It made the occasion perfect. Thanks again. Elizabeth Drumm (Pete’s daughter) Ramstein Air Force Base Ger...

  • Thank you for such a special day on Aug. 17

    Updated Aug 29, 2019

    Thank you to everyone who helped my wife Jewel and I celebrate my 72nd birthday and retirement party at Centennial Park Aug. 17 and make it a special day. I would like to personally single out those who helped make this day possible and very memorable: Bene’s Brick N Char food truck – owner Derek Baziotis, truck manager Carlos Vera, Ionic Coffee — Mobile Coffee Bar — owner Todd Cummings, Shelley Tomlinson Johnson, chief operating officer at the Tomlinson Group of Companies; Gary Shamblin – singer and entertainment, Cheney Pa...

  • Refugees needed to replace lack of workers

    Updated Aug 29, 2019

    Not only is the current Trump administration refugee policy cruelly inhumane, it also courts long-term economic disaster for our country. Japan already suffers greatly from the problem of too few young workers to support its aging population. At least two other major countries, the U.S. and China, are approaching the same problem with their similarly low birth rates. So where to get more young workers? By increasing refugees rather than burdening the world with more population problems by raising birth rates. The throngs...

  • Boycotting business with Israel is not anti-Semitic

    Updated Aug 22, 2019

    July 4th, 2019, Independence Day – is a day to celebrate our freedoms. What many people of Washington state don’t know is that our senators, Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell, voted to limit our freedoms – freedom to boycott, divest and sanction (BDS).They supported Senate Bill 1, “Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act.” This bill contains “Combating BDS Act” which encourages states and local governments to deny contracts to any business, nonprofit organization or individual boycotting for Palestinian fre...

  • Our right to bear arms is not an unlimited right

    Updated Aug 22, 2019

    Frank Watson is wrong. He is writing in the Opinion section of the paper, so like anyone else, he has a right to express his opinion. That’s what he’s doing in his Aug. 15 piece on guns in America. Unfortunately, his premise is incorrect; the Second Amendment right to “keep and bear arms” is not absolute, no matter what Col. Watson “feels.” “Like most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment right is not unlimited.... [It is] not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whate...

  • There's no doubt about it now, Donald Trump must go

    FRANK WATSON, Contributor|Updated Aug 22, 2019

    I’m still looking for an alternative for Donald Trump in 2020. I agree with almost everything negative that has been said of him. He is obnoxious, he makes unnecessary enemies, he is undiplomatic, he does not command loyalty, he generates hate, etc., etc., etc.… BUT, and it is a big but, many of his initiatives are spot on. We have allowed our friends to take advantage of us. China doesn’t play fair. Border security is both a matter of law and a matter of national interest. We must do what is best for America. We don’t...

  • Drones planting trees helping restore burned wildlands

    Updated Aug 22, 2019

    By DON C. BRUNELL Contributor While drones are coming of age in firefighting, they are also establishing a foothold in restoring fire-scorched forests. Firefighting drones grabbed the spotlight last April 15 as viewers around the world watched Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris go up in flames. It has stood for over 850 years, through wars, natural disasters, and everything in between including the fire. At first, it appeared the iconic building would be completely destroyed; however, French firefighters used thermal vision drones...

  • What if there was no more oil?

    Lee Hughes, Staff Reporter|Updated Aug 22, 2019

    The Swedish climate activist 16-year-old Greta Thunberg recently set sail across the Atlantic on a solar and wind-powered racing yacht to attend climate summits in the U.S. She was offered the use of the yacht because she refused to use a transportation method that would further contribute to global warming. That got me thinking about what-ifs. What if there was no more oil to power planes or ships? Our modern world came into being because of petroleum, which has allowed...

  • Fire prevention is equally as important as fire fighting

    Updated Aug 15, 2019

    Spokane County Fire District 3 and the city of Cheney co-hosted a 40-hour week long Fire Inspector 1 class last week (July 29–Aug. 2) that incorporated 29 firefighters from 12 different agencies within the state of Washington and as far as Whidbey Island. These 29 students had one of the best classes around! They had a variety of different occupancy classifications from Eastern Washington University academic facilities to the newly constructed Amazon warehouse that they were able to walk through and gain knowledge of d...

  • Battery-operated locomotives are coming to a track near you

    DON C. BRUNELL, Contributor|Updated Aug 15, 2019

    More battery operated cars and trucks are making their way on to streets and highways, so why not trains? That may not be too far off if Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) tests are successful. BNSF and Wabtec (formerly GE Transportation) are developing a battery-electric high-horsepower road locomotive — the type that moves freight trains between Seattle and Chicago. Once all the equipment and support systems are in place, the plan is to run tests between Stockton and B...

  • Climate change: time to rethink our food system

    KATHLEEN ROGERS and Dr. SHENGGEN FAN, Contributors|Updated Aug 15, 2019

    The way we produce, consume and discard food is no longer sustainable. That much is clear from the newly released UN climate change report which warns that we must rethink how we produce our food — and quickly — to avoid the most devastating impacts of global food production, including massive deforestation, staggering biodiversity loss and accelerating climate change. While it’s not often recognized, the food industry is an enormous driver of climate change, and our current global food system is pushing our natural world...

  • City of Airway Heights thanks state legislators for work during past legislative session

    Updated Aug 8, 2019

    In late April, communities across Washington State welcomed back their local legislators from Olympia after the conclusion of the 2019 Legislative session. The 2019 session was a long, 105-day session and the Legislature finished their work on time concluding at midnight on the 105th day. While many issues were resolved over the course of the session, a major issue for the city of Airway Heights this session was to identify funding to help complete the Highland Village Housing project. The project is designed to remove an enc...

  • Congress needs to pass Alzheimer's Act to offer hope for those suffering from dementia

    Updated Aug 8, 2019

    I was disappointed to learn that only 1 percent of Medicare beneficiaries with dementia have received a personal care plan that has been available to them since 2017. Apparently many physicians are unaware of this code and service that can help their patients. Alzheimer’s Association advocates have asked members of Congress to cosponsor the Improving HOPE for Alzheimer’s Act, which will give doctors information about how they can develop a care plan for each patient who has dementia. I am grateful that Congresswoman Cat...

  • It's time to take responsibility for harmful words

    John McCallum, Managing Editor|Updated Aug 8, 2019

    Let’s say this first, just to get it out of the way. Most of the problems facing this country brought once again into the limelight from the two mass shootings over the weekend were not created by the current occupant of the White House. The same can be said about the issues Donald Trump’s apologists are trying to steer us towards in order to deflect blame he may bear for exacerbating them. But the inconvenient truth is that Trump bears a lot of responsibility for making things worse. Indeed, he and his followers take pri...

  • Everyone needs a happy place

    Updated Aug 8, 2019

    By FRANK WATSON Contributor When our legs began to complain about the climb into the overhead bunk of our camper, my wife and I bought a year-round cabin on the Pend Oreille River. It has become our get away when the normal pressures of life need release. One such day last March, we decided to go to the cabin and take a day trip to the Kalispel Swan Festival. The newspaper told us the ice was still on the lake where the swans normally stop. We were a little bummed but decided to come anyway. To our delight, the swans had...

  • CHS band clothing drive a success

    Updated Aug 1, 2019

    Thank you to the Cheney Free Press and the terrific Cheney community for supporting the high school band clothing drive! Because of your generosity, publicity and donations the band kids collected about 8,000 pounds of usable clothes and bedding and earned $2,000 for the band programs. Many of the kids earned significant money towards their marching band fees. We partnered with Value Village, so your donations went to local neighborhoods as well as overseas. The staff at Value Village was very impressed with our group’s d...

  • County libraries well worth a yes vote on Aug. 6

    Updated Aug 1, 2019

    It’s time to vote, if you haven’t already. Among many important issues on the Aug. 6 ballot is a request from the Spokane County Library District seeking a majority YES vote to sustain and enhance currently available services at Cheney and the other 10 libraries in the county library district. The current county library levy rate is 43 cents per $1,000 of assessed property value. The voter request would increase this levy amount by 7 cents per $1,000 of assessed property value. For a home value of $235,000 the annual cos...

  • Socialism is a one-way trip to disaster

    FRANK WATSON, Contributor|Updated Aug 1, 2019

    A few years ago, I had occasion to examine potential threats to our democracy. The national debt, exportation of wealth and our economic dependence on foreign countries headed my list of concerns. My list was unchanged until recently. I believe our national march toward socialism is now more of a threat to our future than the debt. I cannot believe than anyone who has taken even a cursory look at world history would suggest we embrace socialistic ideals. At no time in the life of the known universe has it been successful....

  • U.S. gun violence strategy is to do bare minimum

    SHANNEN TALBOT, Staff Reporter|Updated Aug 1, 2019

    One would think a small-town garlic festival would be the least-likely candidate for the site of unspeakable violence. But that illusion was shattered Sunday, July 28, when three people were killed by a gunman at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in Northern California. Two of those murdered were children. At least 12 more were injured. The incident is yet another tally mark on the long list of mass shootings that have plagued the U.S. in recent years. It’s to the point where they don’t rattle the public anymore; news consumers sig...

  • We need to look at asylum as a human right

    ANDREW MOSS, Contributor|Updated Aug 1, 2019

    In the past year the Trump administration has been applying increasingly restrictive policies to block asylum seekers from pursuing their claims in the U.S. The most recent measure, now temporarily barred by a federal judge’s injunction, would have required migrants traveling through another country such as Mexico to show proof that they had applied for, and were denied, asylum in that country. That policy would most likely have barred almost all migrants from Central America, as well as many Africans, Haitians and Cubans t...

  • Thank you community

    Updated Jul 25, 2019

    On behalf of the 24-Hour Tennis-a-Thon committee, we would like to thank our sponsors, our volunteers, and the communities of Medical Lake, Airway Heights, Cheney, and Spokane. The Medical Lake Community Outreach Program and the Medical Lake Food Bank benefited from the generous donations of many local businesses. Without the support from these local businesses, the end product of our fundraiser would not be possible. The love and support given to the community of Medical Lake is and always has been unending and is greatly...

  • A war with Iran can and should be avoided

    Updated Jul 25, 2019

    Every day, the United States and Iran continue to move closer to war. As tensions escalate between our nations, the risk grows of accidents and miscalculations tipping us into another deadly conflict in the Middle East. I am particularly concerned by casual talk about a so-called “limited military strike” that could be carried out at an “acceptable” human cost. In truth, there is no such thing as a quick and painless war — not for any side in a conflict. An American attack against Iran will lead to incalculable death, de...

  • Sowing the seeds of hate in the USA

    Lee Hughes, Staff Reporter|Updated Jul 25, 2019

    A recent Washington Post analysis of a University of North Texas study found a 226 percent increase in reported hate crimes in counties where President Donald Trump held a rally compared to those where he didn’t. Few escape his verbal hate speech — Mexicans, African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Muslims, Jews, immigrants; women and gold star military families. Even people with disabilities are a target. But is there a correlation between the president, who cam...

  • Annexation a win-win for Medical Lake, Spokane Fire District 3

    Updated Jul 25, 2019

    After working for Spokane County Fire District #3 from 1981-2016, I believe the annexing of the two departments together is a positive move for the citizens of both entities. It would fiscally impossible for the city of Medical Lake to provide the equal resources that Fire District 3 can offer to the city due to its size and assets. Medical Lake offers a population base to recruit volunteers from as well as a group of highly trained and dedicated volunteers and some firefighting equipment/facilities. Finding volunteers today...

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