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  • What's in a name? Chicken labeling can be confusing for consumers

    Pam Lewison|Updated Aug 25, 2022

    My husband and I recently got into a discussion about the differences in the labeling of chicken. He saw a post on social media outlining the supposed differences between “pasture raised,” “cage raised,” “cage free,” and “free range.” It is easy to get caught up in the virtuous marketing of “pasture raised,” “cage free,” and “free range” versus “cage raised.” It is easy to imagine flocks of chickens strutting through pristine green fields and foraging for their food, but too often food labeling is deceptive. The soci...

  • Decision to close schools for COVID-19 caused harm

    Updated Aug 25, 2022

    Gov. Jay Inslee responded to the national COVID-19 health crisis by closing the public schools in Washington state to in-person instruction from March 2020 to September 2021 and allowing them to reopen sporadically the fall of 2021. The governor also mandated the use of masks and other face coverings and implemented social distancing rules in daycares and schools from March 2020 to March 2022. We are now learning that two years of these strict policies have imposed long-term harm on the 1.1 million students attending...

  • Drained Snake River Reservoirs Would Resemble Parched Rhine Riverbeds

    Don C. Brunell|Updated Aug 18, 2022

    If you want a glimpse of parched river bottoms behind “would be breached” lower Snake River dams, look at recent photos of European rivers and lakes. On parts of picturesque Rhine River there is often more dry land than flowing water. Europe is in the clutches of another drought—the second since 2018. It is so severe that countries across the continent are imposing water restrictions. There are massive fish kills and desiccated croplands. Shipping is endangered on the Rhine...

  • Quilts of Valor

    Frank Watson, Contributor|Updated Aug 18, 2022

    The local news coverage of the celebration for units returning from Iraq and Afghanistan left me with mixed emotions. I was delighted that our fighting men and women were being embraced by our community. At the same time, however, I couldn’t help feeling an emptiness as I recalled the lack of welcome for those of us who returned from Viet Nam. We came home to an ungrateful, and sometimes hostile, nation. In some extreme cases, we were spit on as we got off the plane. Some of us had relatives who were part of the protest m...

  • Looking for a few correspondents

    Roger Harnack, Publisher|Updated Aug 11, 2022

    Over the last several decades, many journalists saw hometown community columns as quaint links to how newspapers once operated. But with few journalists left in the Pacific Northwest applying for jobs since the COVID-19 shutdowns two-and-a-half years ago, we’re hoping to revive the idea of publishing content from local community correspondents — no formal training needed. We’re looking for volunteer correspondents who like to tell the world what’s going on in their part of...

  • Gas engines part of reducing CO2

    Don Brunell|Updated Aug 11, 2022

    Implausible as it may seem, gasoline powered vehicles can be part of reducing carbon emissions. They need to be part of the solution and not brushed aside. Take for example, Glacier National Park in northwest Montana, there is a fleet of 33 tour buses powered by gasoline engines. Each year, they transport 60,000 visitors mainly across Logan Pass---the park’s famed “Going to the Sun Highway.” Without them, congestion would be much worse and fewer people would enjoy Glaci...

  • Get ready for more expensive gas

    Todd Myers, Contributor|Updated Aug 11, 2022

    Next year, one of the state’s newly adopted climate policies, the low-carbon fuel standard, will take effect in our state. The legislation requires companies to blend biofuels or fund charging stations for electric vehicles. Although it has increased gas prices in California and Oregon, the governor and environmental activists claim it would cost Washington drivers nothing, while the prime sponsor testified it would cost no more than 2 cents per gallon. “Don’t let anyon...

  • It's time to leave Eastern Washington for 'boot camp'

    Olivia Harnack|Updated Aug 4, 2022

    I officially began my internship at the Whitman County Gazette in January. I was 19 years old, a sophomore in college and contemplating what my future would look like. I came from Detroit to reconnect with my family and friends, explore and grow. Living in a crime-filled city like Detroit never had the glamor that Gotham did with its cape-wearing vigilantes. Just prior to the start of my internship, I had made the choice to consider the Army for the multiple benefits...

  • Washington's hospitals in financial trouble

    Roger Stark, Contributor|Updated Aug 4, 2022

    A report released last week by the Washington State Hospital Association indicates that virtually every hospital in the state is in financial trouble. (here) A recent survey revealed that hospital revenues were up five percent from 2021 to 2022, yet expenses rose 11 percent over the same time period. This is unsustainable. Several, if not many, hospitals are at risk of closing if these losses continue for another year. This includes both rural and urban facilities. Executives give a number of reasons for the financial...

  • Spokane voter supports Tiffany Smiley

    Updated Aug 4, 2022

    I just listened to a campaign ad for Patty Murray, who is seeking another term as our senator. She stated she will fight for us for lower prescription prices, inflation, high gas prices, public safety and a cornucopia of problems we face daily. The senator has been in office since 1993. If she is re-elected, that means she has been in office for 30 years. With all of her experience, why is this the same message over and over with no resolution? More to the point, how did she allow all of these things to happen? I rarely hear...

  • Restoring America's semiconductor edge

    Don C. Brunell, Contributor|Updated Jul 28, 2022

    Surprisingly, recent U.S. Presidents and congressional Democrats and Republicans agree America’s economic and national security hinge upon tiny, yet powerful semiconductors. Semiconductor computer chips are the brains of modern electronics that operate our laptop computers, vehicles, and smart phones. They permeate every sector of our lives from farming and manufacturing to health care and public safety. They are embedded in our most advanced military equipment and weapons. So...

  • Ruralites still left out of suicide hotline

    Pam Lewison, Contributor|Updated Jul 28, 2022

    For people considering self-inflicted death, there is an opportunity of 10 minutes or less to intervene and potentially change that course of action. July 16 marked a milestone in the national mental health discussion with the roll out of the 9-8-8 call system. Previously, anyone in crisis was encouraged to call the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255). In 2020, Congress enacted legislation requiring the shortening of the crisis lifeline to 9-8-8 to make it easier for people to remember. As part of...

  • Enjoy a ride through the Palouse

    Updated Jul 21, 2022

    By Roger Harnack Publisher The back roads of the Palouse are beautiful this time of year. But there’s a lot more to see if you traverse them on a motorcycle. Last week, after looking at the cost of gas and the weather forecast, I rode my Harley-Davidson to work for the first time this summer. I don’t have a fancy bike; it’s a simple Sportster – no flashy chrome, no windshield or fairing, no saddlebags. It’s kind of a modern day version of the iconic Triumphs James Dean and Marlon Brando rode decades ago. Usually, I drive my...

  • Shrouded in secrecy: State union negotiations should be public

    Jason Mercier, Contributor|Updated Jul 21, 2022

    Did you know the governor’s office is currently negotiating pay and compensation with state employee unions for the state’s 2023-25 budget? What is on the table? Will the outcome of these secret talks be no tax cuts for Washingtonians but big inflation pay raises for government employees? That answer is currently a mystery since these government pay raise talks happen in secrecy without disclosure of the financial details until the deal is reached. Why is this secret pro...

  • Lawmakers challenge dam report conclusion

    Updated Jul 21, 2022

    By Mark Schoesler Senator A draft of the “Lower Snake River Dams Benefit Replacement Report,” requested by Washington’s U.S. Sen. Patty Murray and Gov. Jay Inslee last fall, recently was released to the public. While intended to make the case for breaching the four dams between Clarkston and the Tri-Cities, the report ironically makes a good case for keeping the dams. The report estimates it will cost between $10-$27 billion to replace the benefits provided by the four dams. Knowing how government projects usually go over...

  • Greenies attacking Lewiston-Clarkston Valley

    Todd Myers, Contributor|Updated Jul 14, 2022

    For the people living in the Lewis-Clark Valley on the Snake River, Gov. Jay Inslee’s report on destroying four dams tries to offer some solace. After a “thorough review of relevant economic reports and conversations with experts,” the report’s authors have some ideas about how to offset the serious harm that would be done to the community. Reading the vague assurances from the report reminded me of another community hit by the harmful economic impacts of environ...

  • Supreme court takes on agency 'law-making'

    Roger Harnack, Publisher|Updated Jul 14, 2022

    “But the Constitution does not authorize agencies to use pen-and-phone regulations as substitutes for laws…” U.S. Supreme Court Justice Neil M. Gorsuch wrote that and more in his 19-page concurring opinion in the West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency (Case No. 20-1530). The Supreme Court recently ruled, 6-3, that the EPA cannot create over-reaching “laws” that bound entire industries; the ruling was released Thursday morning, June 30. The leftwing champions...

  • 'It is absolutely unconscionable not to do this'

    Jason Mercier|Updated Jun 30, 2022

    Governor Inslee has repeatedly made it clear that he believes his spending priorities exceed any need to provide tax relief to help families deal with the impact of record inflation. On the same day Inslee declined President Biden’s call for states to provide some type of tax relief, the Democratic Governor of Minnesota was instead begging his legislature to act. As reported by the Minnesota Reformer: “Gov. Tim Walz called on Republicans to return to the Capitol to sign off...

  • Beef Cattle Mythbuster

    Updated Jun 30, 2022

    When you request forage quality analysis from a laboratory, do all methods of analysis provide the same results? Feed/forage analysis is an important part of developing feeding strategies for beef cattle. Knowing the composition of feeds helps us be confident that we are meeting cattle nutrient requirements. Meeting or not meeting those requirements has long-term implications as to how cows perform through the annual production cycle. Depending on the quality of the feed, sometimes we must supplement to make up for nutrient...

  • Fathers Day: A tip of the hat or bend of the bill

    Bob Kirkpatrick, Editor|Updated Jun 16, 2022

    For me, Father’s Day is met with mixed emotions. As is the case for millions of other children, I did not have a positive father figure in my life, the impact of which significantly altered how I viewed the world. My birth father was killed in a car accident when I was 5 years old. My mother remarried a man who was abusive to her, my four sisters and me. The marriage failed. My second stepdad was equally abusive. That marriage ran its course and ended in divorce when my sisters and I were in our teens. My third stepdad was a...

  • Re-elect Vicky Dalton as auditor

    Updated Jun 16, 2022

    Voters in Cheney were recently informed of being moved from the 6th District to the 9th District. So now, we have different state senators and representatives, and are connected with more rural parts of the state outside of Spokane County. Through a postcard sent to registered voters a few weeks ago, we learned the numbers of our new precincts. I wonder how many people were aware of those changes before receiving the postcard from the county Auditor’s Office. Other areas in Spokane County are affected, as well. This p...

  • Lower Snake River dams' power hard to replace

    Don C. Brunell|Updated Jun 16, 2022

    Gov. Jay Inslee and Sen. Patty Murray, both Democrats, issued a draft report which estimates that breaching the four lower Snake River dams and replacing their electricity and other benefits would cost between $10 and $27 billion. Meanwhile, the lone Idaho Republican, Congressman Mike Simpson, supporting dam removal---impoundments located in a neighboring state--is willing to pony up $33 billion tax dollars. That’s a lot of taxpayer money even today when President Biden and C...

  • Inslee, Murray Targeting wrong dams

    Don Brunell, Contributor|Updated May 19, 2022

    Gov. Jay Inslee and Senator Patty Murray have their priorities backward when it comes to rebuilding Snake River salmon and steelhead runs. Instead of focusing on ripping out dams with fish passages and navigation locks, they should find ways to reopen traditional spawning areas up river which are blocked by dams without fish ladders. Breaching Ice Harbor, Lower Monumental, Little Goose and Lower Granite dams is costly and counterproductive. Over the last 30 years, northwest...

  • Fairchild 'fueled' my excitement for the military

    Olivia Harnack|Updated May 19, 2022

    As a young lady in her infancy of writing news, and in the process of enlisting in the U.S. Army, my experience while flying with the Thunderbirds last Thursday in advance of Skyfest was unimaginable. A caravan of press arrived at Fairchild Air Force Base on Thursday, May 12. The 0700 — that’s 7 a.m. in military time — arrival riddled me with excitement, despite the lack of coffee fueling my usual caffeine addiction. I shook with excitement and chill as the wind blew past...

  • Capital gains supporters set up surveillance

    Jason Mercier|Updated May 12, 2022

    Proponents of the unconstitutional capital gains income tax are working overtime to prevent voters from weighing in. First, there was the game last year with the emergency clause to prevent a referendum. Now capital gains income tax supporters are gearing up to counter a potential I-1929 signature gathering campaign by setting up a surveillance system to report any ballot petition signing locations. As reported by the Everett Herald: “Should I-1929 petitions get circulated, o...

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