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  • Shadix fills the need for a community voice on school board

    Updated Oct 24, 2013

    Kippie Shadix is currently running for election to the Cheney School Board. She fills the need for a voice that speaks to the needs of the district, the reality that preparation for advanced education is important whether it is skill and technical education or four year college, and that decisions made by the board should be both in the best interests of the students and community. She is committed to bringing business principles and open decision making to the board. Kippie is actively involved in the community already as a...

  • Property rights invaluable

    Updated Oct 24, 2013

    Dr. Ludwig von Mises said, “The preservation of private property has tremendous social implications as well as legal ramifications. If history could prove and teach us anything it would be the private ownership of the means of production as a necessary requisite of civilization and material well-being. Only nations committed to the principle of private property have risen above penury and produced science, art and literature. There is no experience to show that any other social system could provide mankind with any of the a...

  • I can hardly wait to see what's next with the ACA

    PAUL DELANEY, Staff Reporter|Updated Oct 24, 2013

    It’s hardly original thinking to offer the notion that the Obama Administration really welcomed the partial government shutdown. That’s despite all their rhetoric in wanting to get the latest continuing resolution signed, sealed and delivered to end the partial government shutdown and allow continued borrowing to feed their ravenous appetite for revenue. The shuttering of about 20 percent of the federal government, and the crisis it was painted to be by the media – and various...

  • Labeling foods is needed, I-522 fulfills that need

    Updated Oct 24, 2013

    Labeling genetically engineered foods tells us more than just what has been done to the food; it tells us what has been done to our land and our water. Farmers who grow crops from genetically engineered seeds are required to sign a contract agreeing to use farm chemicals produced by the same companies that sell the genetically engineered seeds. Weeds are becoming resistant to those chemicals, requiring heavier applications of the chemicals. These chemicals are taking a toll on our soil and contaminating our water supply. I...

  • Pollard brings experience with Cheney historical preservation on City Council

    Updated Oct 24, 2013

    One of the highlights of my two terms serving with Cheney’s Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) was when Fred Pollard was first elected to the City Council and immediately began attending HPC monthly meetings. As a business owner in historic downtown Cheney, Fred brought heartfelt interest to the importance of preserving Cheney’s storied past. Fred’s support of historic preservation is particularly important since the city doesn’t have designated funds for historic preservation projects. Additionally, Fred’s many abil...

  • A Taves vote is for quality, honesty

    Updated Oct 24, 2013

    In the Cheney City Council race, a lot has been made of my dad’s professional experience and his résumé, which are both excellent. As his daughter, I have a slightly different view of my dad. He is one of the most patient, hard working, honest and generous people I know. He is levelheaded and careful and is an all around awesome person, father and grandfather. Throughout my life he has always been there for my family and me. One of the things I learned from my dad that has served me well in life is his frugality. He alw...

  • John Taves' electrical experience offers insight on City Council

    Updated Oct 17, 2013

    Cheney Mayor Tom Trulove thought so highly of John Taves that he appointed him in September 2012 to fill the uncompleted term of council member Mike McKeehan. Now John is running for election to Position 3 on the Cheney City Council. We enthusiastically endorse his candidacy. We got to know John for his work on the board of the Cheney-Spokane Chapter of the Ice Age Floods Institute. We have been impressed by his personality, professionalism and his work ethic. We believe he is exceptionally well qualified for this position....

  • I-517 is not the right answer for the initiative process

    John McCallum, Editor|Updated Oct 17, 2013

    I find myself sitting in sort of an opinion-column no man’s land right now. The obvious topics, Congress, federal spending, debt default and other goodies will have played out in some sort of end game by the time this column reaches your coffee table. Not much use in discussing these until next time around. Since I won’t write again until after Halloween and the Nov. 5 general election – kind of the same thing – I thought I’d talk about two things: Initiative 517 and candy corn. I-517 would make it easier for initiativ...

  • Thank you for successful CMA candidates forum event

    Updated Oct 17, 2013

    The Cheney Merchants Association would like to thank the candidates that spoke and the public who came to listen at our first Candidates Forum. It was nice to have the turn out we did, and thank you for all the feedback. We have never tried this before and have learned a lot about what to do in the future (such as) have cards to signal the candidates how their time is flowing, get the room for more time so we can have a public question and answer time and an official emcee to run the show. Hope to see you and all your...

  • Labeling genetically modified foods is important in I-522

    Updated Oct 17, 2013

    Washington’s 731 certified organic farms are an economic powerhouse, generating $284.4 million in farm gate sales (price paid to farmers) in 2011. According to the USDA, Washington ranks second in the nation for organic farm gate sales, and trade industry data shows the organic industry is creating jobs at four times the national rate. Published data shows organic farming is more profitable and economically secure than conventional farming over the long term. Organic farmers are prohibited from using genetically engineered se...

  • Re-electing Dolle for school board is best for the kids

    Updated Oct 17, 2013

    It is my pleasure to write a letter of support on behalf of Suzanne Dolle who is running for reelection to the Cheney School Board. As a teacher in the Cheney School District, I have had the unique opportunity to work with Suzanne in various capacities. From our work together, I have come to know her as a leader who continually asks the question “What is best for our kids?” Whether it is working through a yearlong process to find the best school calendar for our students or arranging discussions with teachers and state leg...

  • Game day at Eastern has become a very special thing

    Updated Oct 17, 2013

    When a crowd of 9,734 showed up to watch Eastern Washington open their 2013 Big Sky Conference schedule with a 41-19 victory over Weber State it marked the largest gathering ever at Roos Field for a game that didn’t feature a team from Montana. This Saturday, when the Eagles return to face Southern Utah for a 5 p.m. kickoff in their 2013 Homecoming game, the turnstile count could surpass that. And when Montana State shows up Nov. 9 in Eastern’s next home game, if you don’t already have your ticket, enjoy the view on TV, b...

  • CMA candidates 'forum' wasn't what audience members expected

    Updated Oct 17, 2013

    The Cheney Merchants’ Association held what they billed as a “candidates forum Oct. 7, from 6:30-8 p.m.” Those attending heard where the candidates have lived, their education and occupation, and previous involvement in community affairs. For this, I thank the CMA. The 10-minute time allotment for each candidate was strictly enforced and they finished speaking shortly after 7 p.m. At that time, citizens in the fairly large audience tried to ask questions of the candidates, but were told by someone, evidently repre...

  • Government shutdown isn't anything new

    JAMES EIK, Staff Reporter|Updated Oct 10, 2013

    The government shutdown is all that news outlets have been able to cover since the start of the month, but when considering that shutdowns have happened 17 times since 1976. This current “shutdown,” according to the Congressional Budget Office only affects 17 percent of the federal government. If there isn’t a business out there that can choose to shut down 17 percent of its operations for a month - cutting back on printer toner, holding off on that software upgrade, turn off lights and ask employees to reduce their milea...

  • Taves would bring a new voice to council

    Updated Oct 10, 2013

    The election of John Taves would bring a much-needed, new voice to the Cheney City Council. Appointed to fill the vacant position following the death of Mike McKeehan, John has demonstrated that he does his homework, can debate the issues and make wise decisions. John brings to the office 35 years of leadership and executive experience with Bonneville Power Administration, including chief, National Environmental Policy Act Compliance staff. He has a PhD in sociology from Washington State University and was an assistant...

  • Honor Flight veterans deserve more in D.C.

    Updated Oct 10, 2013

    What could be more insulting to a war veteran who arrived at Washington, D.C. on an Honor Flight to be near the Vietnam Memorial and find it barricaded, closed, deliberately off limits to those whom it would mean the most? These former soldiers who gave so much of their lives, some who would always remember their buddies who never came home, tore down the barricade. Two hundred of them sat in rows and were photographed as if to say, “We pushed through the barricade. We did this many years ago. We can do it again.” Too man...

  • The real reason behind Initiative 522 isn't genetically modified foods

    Updated Oct 10, 2013

    I-522 is not about whether food should be genetically engineered, but rather whether it should be identified as such. Forty-nine countries, including Japan, South Korea, China, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Russia, European Union states and other key U.S. trading partners have laws mandating disclosure of genetic engineering (also known as GMOs, Genetically Modified Organisms) on food labels. Some foreign markets are refusing to buy agricultural products from the United States because our genetically engineered products...

  • Support Cheney resident John Taves for city council

    Updated Oct 10, 2013

    I write to encourage Cheney residents to vote for John Taves for a seat on the Cheney City Council. While on the Council for approximately a year, replacing the late Mike McKeehan, Taves has shown dedication to his work. Besides his great background with his work at the Bonneville Power Administration, he has written a very eloquent set of articles for the Cheney Free Press. Just attend the City Council, and you will be totally impressed with his thoroughness in doing his homework, in poring over the various documents and...

  • City of Medical Lake is doing well with current council

    Updated Oct 10, 2013

    As we begin our strategic planning for 2014, I would like to take a minute to thank the citizens of Medical Lake for their continuing support of a great place to live. The Mayor, John Higgins, City Administrator Doug Ross, the seven council members and all city employees take seriously their roles in ensuring that Medical Lake is a safe, clean, and healthy place to live. The city’s budget is stable and staff and elected officials continually assess the resources available to provide the services our citizens need, i...

  • Shutdown brings out worst in government, best in humans

    Updated Oct 10, 2013

    This editorial first appeared in The Gazette in Colorado Springs, Colo. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the Cheney Free Press editorial board. Austerity brings out the worst in government and the best in those who pay for it. This week’s government shutdown has exacerbated a form of sinister political theater that was in play as a result of sequestration. It’s called Washington Monument Strategy, a phrase coined after a 1990 government shutdown led the National Park Service to close the Washington Monument at the...

  • Seedco: Obamacare's fraud-stained navigators find trouble

    Michelle Malkin, Columnist|Updated Oct 3, 2013

    Welcome to ObamaWreck! Americans nationwide spent Tuesday struggling with the much-hyped “Affordable Care Act” health insurance exchanges. Server meltdowns, error messages and security glitches plagued the federal and state government websites as open enrollment began. But when taxpayers discover exactly who will be navigating them through the bureaucratic maze, they may be glad they didn’t get through. U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius controls a $54 million slush fund to hire thousands of “navi...

  • I guess it doesn't matter anymore

    Marc Dion, Columnist|Updated Oct 3, 2013

    I’m a newspaper reporter. It isn’t good for the stomach, but it can be good for reflection on those quiet, cool autumn night shifts in the middle of the week when nothing’s on fire and the street crime is of the ignorable, drug-driven, non-fatal kind. And the circa-1987 florescent lights in the newsroom buzz like sleepy bees, and it’s time to get my baloney sandwich out of the crowded office fridge. And, because I am not without some guile when it comes to things modern, I slip on my earplugs, find YouTube on my compute...

  • Congressmen still paid despite government shutdown

    Updated Oct 3, 2013

    No wonder Congress doesn’t pay attention to “we the people.” Even though the government may come crashing down on our heads, they still get their pockets stuffed with our tax money. How’s that working for you? Luella Dow Cheney...

  • Bipartisanship has lost its way in the US

    Updated Oct 3, 2013

    Bipartisanship. It’s the buzzword tossed around state and federal capitals as if it’s some magic talisman, a holy elixir that simply by uttering authenticates and justifies any and all pieces of legislation. But what does it really mean. According to Webster, the root word “bipartisan” means “of, relating to, or involving members of two parties; specifically: marked by or involving cooperation, agreement and compromise between two major political parties.” What does this mean politically then? In January, two Washington...

  • Is the US ripe for another market collapse?

    Updated Sep 26, 2013

    This editorial first appeared in The New Bern Sun Journal. The editorial does not necessarily reflect the views of the Cheney Free Press editorial board. Minutes before 2 a.m. on Sept. 15, 2008, Lehman Brothers became the biggest U.S. company ever to file for bankruptcy. The collapse of this New York investment bank five years ago touched off a panic that sent the stock market down – and the housing market down and out for years. A bubble in the real-estate market, after inflating for a decade, went pop. Values plunged for t...

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