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  • Officials need to push Alzheimer's research

    Updated Aug 27, 2015

    Over the past few years, there has been growing recognition of the challenges of Alzheimer’s disease but the funding to find a cure lags dramatically behind what’s necessary. My family has become familiar with the devastating effects of this disease, as we lost my father, a World War II veteran, recently to Alzheimer’s disease. We now realize how many families are being affected by Alzheimer’s and the numbers will grow substantially in the years ahead. In 2010, Congress unanimously passed legislation that set a goal of find...

  • Powerful message from an imperfect messenger

    David Sirota, Contributor|Updated Aug 27, 2015

    Earlier this month, billionaire Charles Koch had a surprising message: In a speech to his fellow conservatives, he said politicians must end taxpayer-funded subsidies and preferential treatment for corporations. Why is this surprising? Because the demand came from an industrialist whose company and corporate subsidiaries have raked in 10s of millions of dollars’ worth of such subsidies. The Koch-organized conference at a luxury resort in Southern California reportedly attracted roughly 450 conservative donors who have c...

  • Smoke and train issues are as bad as ever

    Updated Aug 27, 2015

    What’s wrong with this picture? On Wednesday, Aug. 19, at 5:15 p.m., I took a walk from Sutton Park to the Cheney High School through the Eastern Washington University campus. It was hot, it was windy and it was smoky. The sun was covered with a haze. Never had I seen anywhere look like this except during the two weeks I spent in Chengdu, China, three years ago. Added to this experience were four trains (carrying oil? coal?) blowing their horns, one of which I heard as I rounded the corner at the Cheney High School and B...

  • Scott Walker: Wrong again on immigration

    Updated Aug 27, 2015

    The following editorial from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel may or may not reflect the views of the Cheney Free Press editorial board. Donald Trump will not be the Republican nominee for president; in the end, the party’s elite will see to that. But Trump’s bullying tactics — and now his bullying ideas for immigration reform — are pushing some of his rivals to take extreme positions. Such as Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. Walker has been moving in that direction for a while now, telling firebrand conservative broadca...

  • Consider donating to Planned Parenthood

    Updated Aug 20, 2015

    For those of you opposed to abortion, would you consider making a money donation to Planned Parenthood “designated” for long-term contraception for young girls? I’m sure they would be happy to accept that. No teenager needs a baby to care for as her adult dreams are forming, and many cannot afford this more expensive kind of contraception that lasts for years. We all need to take positive steps to prevent abortion ever arising as an option. Roz Luther Spokane...

  • Props to the men and women fighting fires on the front lines

    AL STOVER, Staff Reporter|Updated Aug 20, 2015

    We’ve got one more month of summer, which means it’s we’re still in a long fire season. Currently fire crews are battling more than 20 fires in the state. The Chelan Complex Fire has burned over 100,000 acres. In Stevens County there are three major fires that have burned over 13,700 acres. On the Colville Indian Reservation, the North Star Fire has burned over 30,000 acres. In the last month, the West Plains has experienced several brush and structure fires, including two within Airway Heights and one that consumed 270 acres...

  • VA hospitals provide professional care

    Updated Aug 20, 2015

    In this day of blaming everybody for what is wrong with the Veterans Affairs health system, I would just like to publicly state that never have I received such professional care and treatment in a timely manner in the past few months as at our local VA hospital. I wish I didn’t need it. Many have much more serious physical and mental challenges than I at the present time. From the moment one reports to the facility, you are met by a roving volunteer ambassador and escorted to the area where the treatment or appointment is m...

  • Legislators should not be only ones taking courts' test

    Updated Aug 20, 2015

    Thursday, Aug. 13, was a day when math made a lot of headlines in our part of the world. Former Eagles quarterback Vernon Adams passed his test in Eugene allowing him to finally fulfill his final requirement towards graduation from Eastern Washington University and get his shot to play quarterback with the Oregon Ducks. Meanwhile in Olympia, the Washington state Supreme Court issued their grade to the state Legislature over efforts to fully fund K-12 education. In the opinion of the seven justices who interpret the law, they...


    Updated Aug 13, 2015

    One hundred twenty-five years ago in August 1890, the Cheney Enterprise merged with the Cheney Sentinel newspaper under the ownership of James Fitzgerald. During the first decades, Cheney had two, sometimes three newspapers. Learn more about our area’s history at www.cheneymuseum.org....

  • Public needs to know Iran nuclear situation

    Updated Aug 13, 2015

    Whatever position one takes on the Iran “agreement,” it is already becoming an issue of what exactly does it mean to the country as a whole. It was Disraili who exclaimed in the latter days of the British Empire that Britain had no permanent enemies and no permanent friends — only permanent “interests.” What exactly that meant at the time in terms of military strength, was measured in how many first line battleships and battle cruisers should Britain have against any “potential” future enemy. The formula came out as two to...

  • Making time to move beyond language, and learn about others

    John McCallum, Editor|Updated Aug 13, 2015

    “I don’t have time to be politically correct.” An interesting statement made by billionaire real estate mogul and poll-leading erstwhile presidential aspirant Donald Trump at last Thursday’s first Republican debate. Trump’s comment, while replayed over and over, ad infinitum on the numerous news channels has been somewhat diluted by other utterances. These are, not necessarily in any order or level of importance: the unfairness of Fox News’ questions, Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, Kelly and blood from “wherever,” Trump’s alleg...

  • With free speech, elected officials are held to a higher standard

    Updated Aug 13, 2015

    Even the smallest comment can ruin your reputation. Airway Heights Mayor Patrick Rushing came under fire last month after making Facebook comments on his personal account, comparing President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle to “monkeys.” The action, which Rushing referred to as a “banter between friends that got out of control,” resulted in unwanted national attention and over 700 complaints to the city. He has refused to step down, despite residents, City Council members and staff expressing no confidence in his abiliti...

  • Putting the saying '60 is the new 40' to the ultimate test

    PAUL DELANEY, Staff Reporter|Updated Aug 6, 2015

    Whoever came up with that widely popular notion that “60 in the new 40,” I hope they’re right. Because as you pull this edition of the Free Press out of the mail box or newspaper stand for some leisurely reading I’ll be somewhere along a trail by the Lostine River in Northeastern Oregon headed for Mirror Lake, with an elevation just short of 7,400 feet. The ultimate goal is the tip-top of the 9,572 foot Eagle Cap, the namesake peak of the wilderness area in the Wallowa...

  • Arguments need more than innuendos and ridicule

    Updated Aug 6, 2015

    The July 30 Guest Commentary by Dr. Richard Badalamente demonized corporations as “scandalous” liars — snake-oil salesmen. If you are skeptical of man-caused global warming claims the commentary also characterized YOU as gullible, ignorant, unenthusiastic, shortsighted — incapable of or unwilling to make hard choices in favor of long-term future concerns, opting instead for “self-absorbed,” “immediate gratification.” In his May 14 Guest Commentary, he also used similar ad hominem arguments to marginalize two men through the...

  • Honorary Commander program offers look inside the military

    Updated Aug 6, 2015

    Supporting our military personnel is all the rage these days, especially after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 and the wars and military actions that followed. And yet, unless you’ve actually served in one of the armed forces, the majority of us don’t have a really good idea of what it’s like to be in the United States Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard. There is a way, however, that non-military citizens can get a small glimpse into the lives of our service men and women — the Honorary Command...

  • West Plains busineses are amazing

    Updated Jul 30, 2015

    Earlier this month, my son’s baseball team qualified for the 9/10 State Little League tournament, which was to be held in Cheney July 18 – 26. As most are aware, the tournament had to be moved to Montesano, Wash. at the last minute because of a watering issue here in town. Hosting this tournament would have brought a lot of revenue into the city. Despite this lost opportunity, I am writing today to tell you that the people and businesses in the West Plains area are amazing. When our team won the district tournament, coa...

  • Thanks for Cheney High reunion support

    Updated Jul 30, 2015

    On behalf of the board of directors and all the members of the Cheney High School Alumni Association (CHSAA) kindly allow me to express our gratitude for your support of our annual All Class Reunion Picnic. We enjoyed one of the best reunion picnics we have had in recent years. The classes of ‘45, ‘55, ‘65, and ‘75 celebrated special milestones and everyone had a good time. The Free Press’s support contributed a great deal to our success. The picnic is an exceptional event that occurs in very few communities, bringing...

  • We prefer snake oil because scientific truth is not always so wonderful

    RICHARD BADALAMENTE, Contributor|Updated Jul 30, 2015

    The last time I checked you can still buy your POM Wonderful at our local supermarkets. This despite the fact that a judge issued a “cease and desist,” ordering POM to stop claiming its beverage benefits everything from your brain to your prostate (see www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/pom-not-so-wonderful/). Distributors aren’t going to remove the stuff just because its maker’s lied, not as long as people keep buying it, and they do. POM’s 8-ounce bottle is now the fastest selling, single-serve premium refrigerated juice. Ho...

  • It's time for EWU, Cheney to talk police dispatch

    Updated Jul 30, 2015

    There’s a television ad these days that speaks to cellphone users who decided to take the offer of a competitor only to find when all was said and done the service was just not as good as advertised. Those who left were offered a financial incentive, which the advertiser is willing to match should they return. The idea reminded the Cheney Free Press editorial board of the current tug-of-war between the city of Cheney and Eastern Washington University when it comes to police dispatch services. While it appears that the c...

  • Federal crop insurance gets failing grade

    JOHN CRABTREE, Contributor|Updated Jul 23, 2015

    At the Center for Rural Affairs, we’ve heard from farmers across the Midwest and Great Plains about the negative impacts of federally subsidized crop insurance for over a decade. A farm safety net is important to help family farmers mitigate risks, but there are real concerns with the current crop insurance program. The best way to begin addressing those concerns is through honest assessment of the crop insurance system. Toward that end, the Center for Rural Affairs recently released a crop insurance report card, entitled ...

  • Thanks from ML Tennis-A-Thon commmittee

    Updated Jul 23, 2015

    The 24-Hour-Tennis-A-Thon committee would like to give a big thank you to all the generous supporters, countless volunteers and community members who participated. Much of this year’s success is attributed to the generosity and assistance we received from sponsors and supporters like you. This year’s event benefited the local Food Bank, Medical Lake Outreach Program and the Medical Lake High School Tennis programs. During the 24 hours, we had approximately 100 players involved in the marathon. Altogether, everyone’s combi...

  • Airway Heights residents can start their healing process

    AL STOVER, Staff Reporter|Updated Jul 23, 2015

    Last week was a roller coaster week for the city of Airway Heights, which has been under the microscope due to the actions of Mayor Patrick Rushing. I won’t go into full detail because you can read on the front page of this week’s Cheney Free Press to learn what happened. I could attack this issue from many angles. I could go on about First Amendment rights, which was something that was repeatedly brought up at Monday night’s City Council meeting. The First Amendment does give us the right to free speech but it doesn...

  • This is why we explore the solar system

    Updated Jul 23, 2015

    Editor’s note: The following editorial from the Detroit Free Press does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Cheney Free Press editorial board. Until last week, Pluto had been a distant dot in the sky; far out on the edge of the universe and so small and remote that it had lost its full status as a planet. But now, as the first images from the New Horizons trans-lunar mission stream back to Earth, we are getting up close and personal with Pluto and are quickly learning answers to questions that are c...

  • Americans really do need more hours of work

    From The Orange County Register|Updated Jul 17, 2015

    The following July 12 editorial from the Orange County Register may or may not reflect the views of the Cheney Free Press editorial board. Jeb Bush tripped over his tongue this past week when he posited that, to grow the U.S. economy, “people should work longer hours.” The remark by the Republican presidential candidate was misconstrued in some quarters as suggesting that American workers are somehow lazy. Indeed, that’s how the Democratic National Committee’s rapid response team chose to play it: “So does Jeb’s whole 4 perce...

  • Key command on how we treat others lost in same-sex marriage argument

    John McCallum, Editor|Updated Jul 17, 2015

    The ink was barely dry on the U.S. Supreme Court’s June 26 decision guaranteeing same-sex marriage as a constitutional right when the backlash against the ruling began. The most laughable of these came from Republican presidential aspirant Sen. Ted Cruz, who criticized the decision along with a ruling the previous week upholding the federal government subsidy of the Affordable Care Act as “judicial activism.” Cruz said he planned to introduce a constitutional amendment subjecting a “lawless” Supreme Court to intermitt...

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